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At 39 C, the most likely outfit would be beach wear or perhaps shorts and a t-shirt.

39 C is about 102 degrees F.

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4w ago

You would likely want to wear light and breathable clothing to stay cool in 39 degrees Celsius. Opt for loose-fitting, light-colored clothes made of natural fabrics like cotton to help you stay comfortable in hot weather. Consider wearing a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

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Q: If the temperature is 39 degrees celsius you are likely to want to wear what?
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What is the average daytime and nighttime temperature on Mercury?

The average daytime temperature on Mercury is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius), while the average nighttime temperature can drop to around -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-180 degrees Celsius) due to the lack of atmosphere to retain heat.

A quantity of an ideal gas is 0 degrees Celsius Another ideal gas is twice as hot What is the temperature?

Since 0 degrees Celsius equals 273 degrees Kelvin, then air that is twice as hot would be equal to 546 degrees Kelvin, which when converted back to Celsius is equal to 273 degrees Celsius. The natural urge is to double the Celsius temperature, let's say it was 5 degrees Celsius, then you'd probably want to double it to 10 degrees Celsius, however, that isn't correct. True temperature is measured in Kelvins, so you must convert to Kelvin to find out the true temperature conversion. Hope this answers the question.

What is the maximum temperature you should store the bacteria plates at and why?

It all depends on what you wish to grow. If you want to grow bacteria that like to live on the skin, such as Staphylococcus aureus, then the best temperature is below normal body temperature or 86 to 95 Degrees Fahrenheit (30 to 35 Degrees Celsius). If you are interested in E.coli, then the temperature would be body temperature 95 to 98.6 Degrees Fahrenheit (35 to 37 Degrees Celsius). These do not grow well above or below these temperatures.

What is the temperature of 25 degress celsius in kelvin?

The answer is 298.15 K (approx.). The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero and is used in scientific laboratories. Celsius is for general use and set 0 and 100 as melting and boiling point of water respectively. To convert from C to K, add 273.15 to C.To convert degrees Celsius to degrees Kelvin, add 273.15. Therefore, 25 degrees Celsius is equal to 273.15 + 25 = 298.15 degrees Kelvin.

How to arrange temperature in order like for example -1 degree c 4 degree c -11 degree 0 degree c -18 dgree c 18 degree c the warmest first?

To arrange the temperatures from warmest to coldest, you would start with 18 degrees Celsius as the warmest, followed by 4 degrees Celsius, 0 degrees Celsius, -1 degree Celsius, -11 degrees Celsius, and finally, -18 degrees Celsius as the coldest.

Related questions

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear?

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear?Something light and cool (or even a bathing suit) -- this is the same as 102.2 degrees Fvery little.

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius what clothes are you are most likely to want to wear?

39 degrees Celsius is equal to 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.8 * 39 + 32) so you would likely be wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

If the temperature is 31 degrees Celsius what clothes are you are most likely to want to wear?

A swimsuit and sitting in the shade with a cold drink.

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear whAT?

something relatively breezyThe less you wear - the better you will feel.

What is the average daytime and nighttime temperature on Mercury?

The average daytime temperature on Mercury is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius), while the average nighttime temperature can drop to around -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-180 degrees Celsius) due to the lack of atmosphere to retain heat.

Is the temperature in degrees Celsius the same as in Fahrenheit?

No. Given the temperature in degrees Celsius, you can find the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit by dividing by 5, multiplying by 9, and adding 32 to the result. For example, the normal human body temperature is 37 Celsius. Divide this by 5, and you get 7.4. Multiply by 9, and you get 66.6. Add 32, and you get 98.6, the normal human body temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. If, however, you have the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and want the temperature in degrees Celsius, just reverse the procedure: subtract 32, divide by 9, and multiply by 5.

Program to convert given temperature from centigrade to Fahrenheit in pearl?

Here's a simple Perl program to convert a given temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit: # Input temperature in Celsius my $celsius = 20; # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit my $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9/5) + 32; # Print the result print "$celsius degrees Celsius is equal to $fahrenheit degrees Fahrenheit\n"; You can replace the value of $celsius with any temperature you want to convert.

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It depends on what exactly you want to freeze. Every substance has a different freezing temperature. The freezing temperature of pure distilled water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius.

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60 degrees C

If the temperature is 39 degees celsius you are most likely to want to wear?

That's over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Wear something light. Better yet, stay indoors near the air conditioner.

A what temperature does the human body melt?

106 f. why would you want to know that, anyway?!

A quantity of an ideal gas is 0 degrees Celsius Another ideal gas is twice as hot What is the temperature?

Since 0 degrees Celsius equals 273 degrees Kelvin, then air that is twice as hot would be equal to 546 degrees Kelvin, which when converted back to Celsius is equal to 273 degrees Celsius. The natural urge is to double the Celsius temperature, let's say it was 5 degrees Celsius, then you'd probably want to double it to 10 degrees Celsius, however, that isn't correct. True temperature is measured in Kelvins, so you must convert to Kelvin to find out the true temperature conversion. Hope this answers the question.