The best information I have found is that Copernicus was a canon but never became a priest. See
Nicholas Copernicus 1473-1543 was a Polish priest and astronomer who created an alternative model of the planets which put the Sun at the centre, instead of the Earth as generally accepted at that time.Kepler's model is the one we use today, and it has the Sun at the centre, like the Copernican model, but all the other details of Copernicus's theory were rejected in favour of elliptical orbits.
Copernicus was never imprisoned.
Answer: Nicolaus Copernicus Explanation: Considering Nicolaus Copernicus was born Niklas Koppernigkt, his father has the same name as him. His father's name is therefore Niklas Koppernigkt but in English we would say that his father's name is Nicolaus Copernicus.
nicolaus copernicus has never had anyproblems
Nicolaus Copernicus (19 February 1473 - 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance astronomer, priest. He lived for 70 years.
His uncle, a bishop, got him his job as a canon (senior priest) at a cathedral in East Prussia.
Copernicus had a classical education for the times, for he became a clergyman, actually of an obsolete ecclesiastical rank ( not sure of the exact title- Canon, maybe) that was between the ranks of Priest and Bishop and more cosmopollitan than Monsignor which is merely a senor priest of a parish. Therefore he had a theological background. there is some evidence he was also a physician. for the times, a Renaissance man the Polish Priestly Astronomer!
Of course they can be reconciled. After all, the Vatican has its own official astronomer! Remember also that Copernicus was a Roman Catholic priest.
Nicholas Copernicus 1473-1543 was a Polish priest and astronomer who created an alternative model of the planets which put the Sun at the centre, instead of the Earth as generally accepted at that time.Kepler's model is the one we use today, and it has the Sun at the centre, like the Copernican model, but all the other details of Copernicus's theory were rejected in favour of elliptical orbits.
Copernicus was not condemned.
Copernicus' parents were Nicolaus Koppernigk - of which 'Copernicus' is the Latin form - and Barbara (Watzenrode).
Copernicus's full name is Nicolaus Copernicus. "Nicolaus" is his middle name.
what did nicolaus Copernicus obstacles
Copernicus was never imprisoned.
Nicholas Copernicus was Polish.
The correct spelling is, indeed, Copernicus.