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Nicholas Copernicus 1473-1543 was a Polish priest and astronomer who created an alternative model of the planets which put the Sun at the centre, instead of the Earth as generally accepted at that time.
Kepler's model is the one we use today, and it has the Sun at the centre, like the Copernican model, but all the other details of Copernicus's theory were rejected in favour of elliptical orbits.

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Q: Who later confirmed Copernicus' ideas about the Earth moving around the sun?
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Who was the person that had a theory that earth was a moving planet?


What was Nicoluas Copernicus discovory?

He discovered that the Earth is a moving planet

How did Copernicus discovery come about?

Nicholas Copernicus stated that the Earth rotates on an axis and orbits around the Sun. To come about this he used circles moving in an orbit, or circular way, to support his system about Earth and its rotation. He used fixed stars, or "non moving" stars, to show the motion of other planets.

How did Nicolas Copernicus's discovery come about?

Nicholas Copernicus stated that the Earth rotates on an axis and orbits around the Sun. To come about this he used circles moving in an orbit, or circular way, to support his system about Earth and its rotation. He used fixed stars, or "non moving" stars, to show the motion of other planets.

What is Copernicus Theory?

Copernicus' theory was that Earth is not the center of the universe and we revolve around the Sun.

What was Copernicus theory?

Copernicus' theory was that Earth is not the center of the universe and we revolve around the Sun.

Who confirmed the sun centered theory?

The sun-centered theory, known as heliocentrism, was confirmed by observations made by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus in the 16th century and further supported by the observations of Galileo Galilei in the 17th century. The idea that the Earth revolves around the sun replaced the previously widely accepted geocentric model.

The great contribution of Nicholas Copernicus was to?

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer. His greatest contribution was to assert that the earth revolves around the sun. At the time that Copernicus lived, the general conception was that the sun revolved around earth.

What was Copernicus' idea about the earth and the sun?

That the earth revolves around the sun, not that the sun revolves around the earth.

What was Copernicus ideas about earth and sun?

That the earth revolves around the sun, not that the sun revolves around the earth.

Who stated that the earth moved around the sun?


What did Copernicus propose?

that the earth traveled around the sun