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A Venn diagram involves two overlapping circles. In one circle, write a subject and all the related ideas to that subject. Do the same thing in the other circle. Then, where the circles overlap, write what the two subjects have in common.

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10y ago
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9mo ago

A Venn diagram is a type of diagram that uses overlapping circles to show relationships between sets or groups. While it is a graphical representation similar to a chart, it is not typically referred to as a chart.

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11y ago

Well, if you do not have a book with a plant cell diagram in it, go to one of the major search engines, type in plant cell and perform an image search. Then get out your white paper and your markers, or paints, or assorted noodle collection and copy it as best you can.

To make a 3D plant cell diagram, you could make a edible model which is fun. Here is one way:

  1. make a cake of whatever flavor you'd like
  2. add frosting (preferably white or green frosting) to represent cytoplasm
  3. add licorice on the outside of the cake to represent a cell wall
  4. add gummy worms on the outside of the cake just inside of the licorice to represent a cell membrane
  5. place a large lollipop or largejawbreaker in the middle to represent a nucleus
  6. place green candies (this could be green M&M's, green jelly beans, green apple gummy rings, etc.) all around the cake to represent chloroplasts
  7. place mike n' ikes all around the cake to represent mitochondria
  8. place blue frosting or dye on a fairly large amount of space to represent a large vacuole
  9. place sprinkles to represent ribosome
  10. make tunnels in the cake with toothpicks around the nucleus to represent endoplasmic reticulum and the same tunnels somewhere else on the cake to represent golgi body
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14y ago

A diagram shows the similarities and differences among two things that are compared.

Similarly, a chart can show differences and similarities among things; however, I believe that a chart needs some type of data whereas a diagram just needs relative characteristics/qualities for the things that you are comparing.

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15y ago

all you have 2 do is draw 2 big circles overl appinq. And thats it

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13y ago

a venn diagram is draw with two circles overlapping each other so that there are three sections of the diagram two sides and a middle. 5 up to 30

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15y ago

Plant Cell consists of Chlorophyll whereas Animal Cell do not consist.

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15y ago

2 overlapping circles

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