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Q: Minus 273degrees Celsius the coldest temperature possible cosmic background ration has a temperature that is 3 degrees Celsius warmer?
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Is the temperature -300 Celsius possible?

No, a temperature cannot be below absolute zero, which is at around -273.15 Celsius. Therefore, a temperature of -300 Celsius is not physically possible.

What is the coldest possible temperature on a celsius scale?

Minus 273 degrees Celsius is the coldest possible temperature, a.k.a. "absolute zero".

Zero celsius is the coldest possible temperature?

Zero Celsius is actually just the freezing point of water. Temperatures can go much colder, with absolute zero being the coldest possible temperature at -273.15 degrees Celsius.

Is -273.5 celsius is the temperature of absolute zero?

No, the temperature of absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius. This is the coldest temperature possible where particles cease to move.

Is zero degrees celsius the coldest possible temperature?

No, zero degrees Celsius is not the coldest possible temperature. Absolute zero, which is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius, is the lowest possible temperature where all molecular activity ceases.

Is zero degrees Celsius the coldest?

The coldest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees.

What is the difference of the lowest temperature possible and the temperature at which water boils?

373.15 degrees celsius.

What is the lowest temperature in Celsius?

The lowest temperature possible in the universe is absolute zero, which is -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, all molecular motion ceases.

Is -100 degrees Celsius possible?

No, -100 degrees Celsius is not possible as it is below the freezing point of water (0 degrees Celsius). The lowest possible temperature in the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees Celsius, known as absolute zero.

Is -200 degrees celsius a possible temperature?

Yes. The lowest possible temperature (absolute zero) is approximately -273 degrees C.

-460 degrees what sacle is Fahrenheit celsiusor kelvin?

The lowest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees Celsius. The lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale is 0 degrees Kelvin. Therefore the only temperature scale on which -460 degrees is possible is the Fahrenheit scale.

Why it is not possible to measure the temperature below -273.15 celsius?

-273.15 degrees Celsius is known as absolute zero, the theoretical lowest possible temperature where all molecular motion ceases. It is impossible to measure a temperature below this because it represents a state where energy is at its minimum possible level in a system, making further cooling impossible.