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Q: People were afraid to believe Copernicus ideas because they thought what?
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People were afraid to believe copernicus' ideas because they thought?

the ideas would prove all knowledge to be wrong

What were people were afraid to believe Copernicus's ideas because they thought what?

Because they felt it contradicted and called into question the literal truth of the Bible.

Why did people believe Copernicus model was correct?

no people did not belive that Copernicus model was correct. he thought that the moon revolves (turns) around the earth and the people thought something else (don't know sorry)

What is important about the copernican revolution?

Part of why the Copernican revolution was so important is because it changed how people viewed the word. Before Copernicus, they believed in Ptolemy, who thought that the earth was flat.

Why did many not believe Copernicus?

People didnt believeCcopernicus because he had no scientific evidence until after he was dead and Galileo came along later.

Why do people believe that the titanic did not split into two?

Because people thought the titanic was unsinkable

What did people believe before Copernicus?

that the earth was the center of the universe and that the earth wAS FLAT

What is N Copernicus famous for?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to declare that the world revolved around the sun. Before that time, people thought that Earth was the center of the universe.

How does the ideas of Copernicus influnced the way people thought about the nature of man and man's place in universe?


Did people believe edward Jenners discovery?

No they thought because he couldn't explain how it worked people thought he was lying and just wanted to make some money.

Why did people believe that the earth was standing still?

because they thought they could feel the earth move !

Why did people attack Copernicus' idea?

Because they did not think his work was true