Potassium levels in humans are measured in a unit known as milliEquivalents per Liter or (mEq/L).
Time is typically measured using units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
Weight is measured in units called pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg), depending on the system of measurement being used.
Yes, liquids like shampoo can be measured by weight/mass units as well as the usual volume units.
The atomic mass of potassium is approximately 39.10 atomic mass units.
Heat energy is most commonly measured in units of calories or joules.
Because a perimeter is measured in linear units while an area is measured in square units.
No, volume is measured in cubic units, area is measured in square units.
The length, width, or height of a solid figure is measured in units of length. The area of the figure's outside surfaces is measured in squared units of length. The volume of space filled by the figure is measured in cubed units of length. The mass of the figure is measured in units of mass. The weight of the object is measured in units of force. The age of the figure is measured in units of time. etc.
Area is measured in square units. Volume is measured in cubic units.
The pH is measured in units on a scale from 0 to 14.
None. Area cannot be measured in length units - only in squares of such units.
No line can be measured in units since they are all infinite in length.
it is measured in joules
Time is typically measured using units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
No, cubic units.
Svedberg units.
It is the area and is measured in square units.