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issac newton was not the first person to discover gravity he taught the values of gravity

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Isaac newton did not discover gravity, but he is credited with developing the universal law of gravitation and explaining the mechanics of gravity in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica." The concept of gravity was known to ancient civilizations, and Newton's contributions built upon existing knowledge.

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Did Marie Curie discover gravity?

No, Marie Curie did not discover gravity. Gravity was first explained by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century based on his laws of motion and universal gravitation. Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist known for her pioneering research on radioactivity.

How did the first person to discover gravity know it was gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with discovering gravity by observing an apple falling from a tree. He formulated the law of universal gravitation, which explains the force of attraction between all objects with mass. Newton's mathematical equations and experiments provided evidence for the existence of gravity and helped establish it as a fundamental force in the universe.

Did newton actually discover gravity?

Isaac Newton did not discover gravity, as objects had been falling towards the Earth long before him. However, Newton was the first to mathematically describe gravity through his Universal Law of Gravitation, which explained how objects are attracted to each other based on their masses and distances.

Did Isaac Newton discover the pendulum?

Isaac Newton did not discover the pendulum. The pendulum was first described by Italian scientist Galileo Galilei in the 17th century. Isaac Newton made significant contributions to physics and mathematics, but his work was mainly in the areas of motion, gravity, and optics.

Who discovered that the force of gravity keeps earth in its orbit around the sun?

Probably Ugghhh the Caveman was the first person to discover gravity, when he stepped out of a tree and fell abruptly back to the ground. Johannes Kepler devised his theories about planetary movement, which described how the planets move around the Sun, but Isaac Newton was the person who calculated the behavior of the force of gravity. We still don't know how gravity works, or how it is generated, or how to control it.

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What was Isaac newton the first person to do?

Discover gravity

What was Isaac newton the first to do?

Discover gravity

Who was the first scientist to discover gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton.

How did newton first discover gravity?

i think he was sitting under a tree and an apple fell and he was wondering why it did that and it was because of gravity

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Who is the first person to describe the force of gravity?

Isaac Newton

Did Marie Curie discover gravity?

No, Marie Curie did not discover gravity. Gravity was first explained by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century based on his laws of motion and universal gravitation. Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist known for her pioneering research on radioactivity.

Who was the first person to write about gravity?

The scientist who wrote about gravity and the laws of motion was Sir Isaac Newton.

Did Thomas Edison discover gravity?

No, Thomas Edison did not discover gravity. Gravity is a natural phenomenon that was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. Edison was known for his work in the field of electricity and lighting, particularly for inventing the light bulb.

Why did Isaac Newton name gravity gravity?

He did not. The concept of gravity existed before Newton; everyone who has ever lived has known that things fall. Newton was simply the first person to accurately describe gravity and how it works both on Earth and in space.

Who was the first person to discover that light goes through prisms?

Sir Isaac Newton

Who was the first person to describe gravity?

Newton was the first to mention the idea but others made changes to what is called gravity. Einstein is one of these.