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Q: What centuries old idea did Copernicus disprove?
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What old ideas about the universe did Copernicus still use in his system?

Nicolae Copernicus did not abandon the idea that planets went around their center point in perfect circles.

How old is gamelan music?

gamelan music is about 10,000 centuries old NOT i have no idea how old it is loll

How old is Copernicus?

Copernicus is DEAD. He would be 539 years old in 2012.

How old was Nicolaus Copernicus when his father died?

It is theorized that Copernicus' father passed away when Nicolaus was 10-12 years old.

When did nicolaus Copernicus' father die?

nicolaus copernicus' father died when he himself was at the age of 10..when nicolaus Copernicus was 10 years old

How old was Nicolaus Copernicus when he died?

Mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus was 70 years old when he died on May 24, 1543. (birthdate February 19, 1473)

How did Niccolaus Copernicus die?

He died of old age

How old was nicolaus Copernicus when he started studing science?

he was about 10

How is a old person three centuries old Age?

Three centuries equals 300 years.

How old is Nicolaus Copernicus?

Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473, which would make him about 547 years old if he were still alive today.

How old was nicolaus Copernicus when his mother died?

He was about 16 or 20 years old . maybe even older.

Who were Nicolas Copernicus' relatives?

barbara, watzenrode lucas young and old, i do not know