Weight depends on gravity. People seem to think there is no gravity in space yet the earths gravitational pull is quite strong for quite long. Think of the moon, its pulled by earths gravity long after our atmosphere gives way to the vacuum of space. A liter of water would be the same weight in space and would only fade over long distances. As a side note space begins at like 60-70 miles above the earths surface. If you took a space ship up 120 miles (well into space) and parked it, you would promptly fall back to earth like any object dropped from a height. Lack of atmosphere implies nothing about gravity.
A liter of water weighs approximately 33.8 ounces.
One liter of water takes up 1000 cm^3 or 1 liter of space.
A liter of water weighs approximately 2.2 pounds. So a 1.00 liter bottle of drinking water would weigh about 2.2 pounds.
That depends on what the liter has in it. -- If the liter of space has air in it, there's roughly 0.0012 kilogram of mass there, but the exact number depends on the temperature and pressure. -- If the liter of space has water in it, there's roughly 1 kilogram of mass there. -- If the liter of space has gold, stones, or lead in it, there are several kilograms of mass there. -- If the liter of space is empty, there's no mass there at all. Units of mass (kilograms) are incompatible with units of volume (litres).
mg is milligram, a measure of weight. Liter is a measure of volume. A liter of WATER would weigh 1 million milligrams- but a liter of alcohol would weigh about 700,000 mg- since alcohol is lighter than water. A liter of mercury would weigh MUCH more, since it is heavier than water. So, to answer your question, we would need to know a liter of WHAT?
Water because a liter is a measurement of space and not mass. Water occupying 1 liter of space is lots heavier than air occupying 1 liter of space. <><><><><> It depends on density. It is possible, given enough pressure, to have one liter of air weigh more than one liter of water.
0.1 liter of water weigh 100 milligrams.
No. Oil is less dense than water, so 1 liter of oil will weigh less than 1 liter of water.
They weigh the same
One liter of water would weigh approximately 1 kilogram, or 1000 grams.
1 liter of water will weigh exactly 1 kilogram. The base for the metric system is water.
A liter of water weighs about 2.2 pounds.
A liter of water weighs approximately 33.8 ounces.
It is not clear what you are asking. Perhaps this will help. !f you take a liter of pure fresh water and weigh it, it will weigh 1000 grams (a kilogram). If you then add 10 grams of salt to the water and stir the salt until it has all dissolved and measure the volume of the now salty water, the volume of the salt water will still measure exactly one liter. However if you weigh the liter of salt water it will weigh 1010 grams. This means that there are now more particles (atoms) occupying the same space - the DENSITY of the salt water is higher than the fresh water.
A liter of water weighs approximately 2.2 pounds.
One liter of water takes up 1000 cm^3 or 1 liter of space.