water basically conducts electricity in fruits. Lemons have acids in them so that can be why too -Brennon Kok otherwise known as BobtomII on aces high II, visit www.flyaceshigh.com to see info about the game, its pretty awesome
Citrus fruits like lemons, Oranges, etc conduct electricity. They do so when a zinc needle and a copper needle are inserted in them. These two needles act as the polarities and can even light a small torch bulb when connected. Zinc and copper together react with citric acid in these fruits much similar to the reaction in a battery and produce electricity.
And the electricity is guessed by the pH, or acid!
The kiwi conducts the most electricity
There are several things needed to make a typical battery:
1) An anode (+) and cathode (-) plate.
2) An electrolyte that chemically affects the cathode and conducts positive current to the anode.
So fruit affects one of the wires, nail, or whatever you put into it. The fruit juice is the electrolyte.
There is nothing very special about fruit that does anything. You can make a battery by putting the metals into your mouth.
Try it.
As for what makes the fruit able to do this, I know that the acid in the fruit acts like the acid in an alkaline battery. All it needs is an anode and a cathode, and it produces electricity.
Voltage causes current to flow in an electric circuit.
In metal conductors, electric current is the flow of electrons.
An electric stove typically uses alternating current (AC) for residential applications, which is the type of current supplied by most home outlets.
The flow of electrons is called electric current. It is the movement of electric charge through a conductor, such as a wire, in response to an electric field.
A magnet cannot stop an electric current, but it can influence the flow of the current. Moving a magnet near a wire carrying an electric current can induce a voltage in the wire, which can affect the behavior of the current.
An electric current is movement of electrons, no matter the source or cause.
Electric current comes from anything with differences in charge. So if you connect a fruit to something with a different potential, current will flow.
The strongest electric type would be Zapdos.
Placing two dissimilar metals in a fruit creates a chemical reaction that generates a flow of electrons, resulting in an electric current. This process is known as a fruit battery, where the acidity of the fruit acts as an electrolyte to facilitate electron transfer between the metals.
When two dissimilar metals are placed in a fruit, a chemical reaction occurs between the metal and the acids in the fruit. This creates a potential difference between the two metals, leading to the flow of electrons and the generation of an electric current. This phenomenon is known as a fruit battery.
It depends on how you train your Pokemon, but Electivire, Zapdos, or Raikou might be the strongest Electric Pokemon.
The strongest current in a river system is in the main flow. There is less current in eddies and backwaters.
Yes, an electric current is the flow of charged particles.
the strongest electric type move is volt tackle
DC current
The opposite of an electric current is the absence of an electric current, meaning no flow of electric charge through a conductor.