Kilogram and Kilo refer to the same unit of measurement.
One kilogram is equal to 1 kilogram.
1 kilogram of asphalt weighs 1 kilogram since the weight is equivalent to the mass.
The same as the density of 1 kilogram, or 1/10 kilogram, or whatever. Density is not a property that depends on the amount of a substance.
A mass of 1 kilogram weighs 9.8 newtons (2.205 pounds) on earth.The same mass weighs 1.6 newtons (0.36 pound) on the moon.
Kilogram and Kilo refer to the same unit of measurement.
A kilogram and a kilogram are the same unit. Therefore, one kilogram is equal to one kilogram.
They weigh the same, as both are 1 kilogram. The weight is determined by the mass of the objects, and in this case, they are both 1 kilogram.
1 kilogram is 1 kilogram no matter what the substance.
Same thing 1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kilogram
A gram is 1/1000 of the fraction compared to a kilogram. where 1000 gram = 1 kilogram.
Yes 1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kilogram
One kilogram is equal to 1 kilogram.
The correct spelling is kilogram. kilo is often used as an abbreviation of that. Kilo is actually the metric prefix meaning 1000, so a kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. As for how many kilograms in a kilo, the answer is 1 because, in this context, they are the same.
A litre of water weighs about 1 kilogram at room temperature.
1/2 kilogram = 0.5 kilograms = 500 grams