90 degrees north latitude is called the North Pole, and 0 degrees latitude is the Equator.
The largest possible latitudes are 90 degrees north (the north pole) and 90 degrees south (the south pole).The largest possible longitudes are 180 degrees east and 180 degrees west.Both of those longitudes are the same line ... the International Date Line,which runs down the middle of the Pacific ocean.
Another name for 90 degrees north latitude is the North Pole.
The largest latitude is +90 degrees (North Pole) and -90 degrees (South Pole). The largest longitude is +180 degrees (international date line) and -180 degrees (same meridian on the other side of the globe).
Latitudes range from zero to 90 degrees.The equator is the line of zero latitude.The north pole is 90 degrees north latitude.The south pole is 90 degrees south latitude.
It is a straight line that intersects another line at 90 degrees
It is a perpendicular line that intercepts another line at 90 degrees.
A perpendicular line intersects another line at 90 degrees.
A perpendicular line is one which intersects another line at 90 degrees (or at right angles).
It means that a line meets another line at right angles or 90 degrees
It is a straight line that intercepts another straight line at 90 degrees
A straight line that intersects another straight line at 90 degrees
A perpendicular line is a line that intersects another line at a 90-degree angle, forming a right angle. This means the two lines are at right angles to each other.
A perpendicular bisector is a line that cuts through another line at 90 degrees
It is a straight line that intersects another straight at 90 degrees.
a line that cuts through parallel lines so that each angle created has a measure of 90degrees* * * * *No. That is a transversal.A perpendicular bisector [for a given line segment] is a line that meets it at 90 degrees and divides it into two halves.It is 2 lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees
Because 90 degrees is half of a straight line. A straight line is equal to 180 degrees. 180 divided by 2 = 90.