Linear footage is feet in a line. as in, not square footage, just length or height. take a 5 foot square: its perimeter is measure in linear feet (20 linear feet) 5+5+5+5 Its area is measured in square feet (25 square feet) 5 x 5 A 5-foot cube would be measured in cubic feet (125 cubic feet) 5 x 5 x 5
Linear footage is a measurement used to determine the length of a straight line. It is commonly used in construction, real estate, and other industries to measure distances, such as how many feet of a certain material is needed for a project.
Well, darling, first you need to know the width and height of the space in linear feet. Then you multiply those measurements together to get the square footage. After that, you divide the square footage by 27 (since there are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard) to get the cubic yardage. Voila, you've converted linear feet to cubic yards!
This is a linear molecule.
50 feet is equal to 50 linear feet. The measurement of feet is the same as linear feet in this case.
The shape of CS2 is considered linear. This is because both sulfur molecules are attached to the one carbon molecule using double bonds in a straight line.
Multiply the linear feet by 12.
If you know the length ft.(linear) and you wish to know its area (sq. footage), you must also know the width. Length (ft.) x Width (ft.) equals area or sq. feet. Linear in this case refers to length.
You cannot have linear square footage because: "linear" means the measurement is 1-dimensional. "square" means the measurement is 2-dimensional. The above two statements are mutually contradictory!
pi times the diameter
Linear footage is a one dimensional measurment. Board footage is volume. one board foot is 1 inch thick by 12 inches square. 1" x 12" x 12" = 144 cubic inches of wood or one board foot.
Measure the length of each wall. Add those figures up and you get Linear footage. Divide the total linear footage by the width of the panels and round up, this is the number of planks you will need.
You can't. Lineal footage measures length. Tonnage measures weight. There is no relationship for conversion
I think (hope) you mean square, not linear. Answer is 18 ft2
A 8' fence will have a higher cost per foot than a 6' will. Most quotes will be based on linear footage + gates and extras.
You can't calculate linear footage based on square yardage alone. If you meant square footage it will cover 810 sq. ft..
If the linear footage was measured around the whole edge of the pool the the sq ft = 689.0625 sq ft However if this is only the length of the pool then there is no way to work it out,
Add together the lengths of the three sides.