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A 30ml solution with a mass of 45g has a density of 45/30 or 1.5 g/ml, while a 40ml solution with a mass of 50g has a density of 50/40, or 1.25 g/ml. The 30ml solution with a mass of 45g has a higher density.

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1w ago

The density of a solution is calculated by dividing the mass of the solution by its volume. To determine which solution is denser, we need to compare their densities. The density of the 30ml solution is 1.5 g/ml (45g/30ml) while the density of the 40ml solution is 1.25 g/ml (50g/40ml). Therefore, the 30ml solution with a mass of 45g is denser than the 40ml solution with a mass of 50g.

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Q: What is more denser 30ml solution with mass of 45g or 40 ml solution with mass of 50g?
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