The total land area of Egypt is approximately 385,229 square miles.
Total land area is 251,827.412 square miles.
Ireland has a land area of approximately 32,595 square miles.
Massachusetts has a total area of about 10,555 square miles.
The total area of Slovakia is approximately 19,000 square miles.
Detroit, Michigan, USA - 3,913 square miles (metropolitan area).
tne city of Detroit Michigan is aprox. 140 square miles
The area of Detroit Lake is 14.164 square kilometers.
The area of Detroit Zoo is 505,857.0528 square meters.
The area of Downtown Detroit is 3,600,000.0 square meters.
the area of Florida is 65,795 in square miles
china's area in square miles is 1,100,100 miles square.
The area of Patton Park Detroit is 376,357.6472832 square meters.
The area of Fort Wayne - Detroit - is 388,498.2165504 square meters.
The area of Detroit International Riverfront is 3,974,013.0067968 square meters.
Haiti has an area of approximately 10,714 square miles.
Florida's land area is 53,997 square miles.