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the biggest score ever held was by a monkey with twelve toes who wears underwear on her head and is named Sheila.

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The highest score achieved on Guitar Hero was 97 million points on the song "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce, set by Danny Johnson in 2009.

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It depends on you

Can Guitar Hero be used for regular xbox?

No, no Guitar Hero games were ever made for the regular Xbox.

Will there be a Guitar Hero 7?

The final Guitar Hero they will ever make is Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock. They are, however, still going to make more Rock Band games

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no. up to date, no green day song has ever been in a guitar hero game

Who is the best at Guitar Hero 3 ever?

Danny Johnson

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There will most likely not be a new Guitar hero for the original xbox ever, due to the fact that developers have stopped designing games for the system.

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I dont really think so but i hope..

Is Guitar Hero a good game?

One of the best games ever made!

Will Activision ever make a Guitar Hero Thalia?

no, and it's Neversoft, not Activison

Who is the greatest Guitar Hero ever?

the one u think as it differs for everybody

Who is the best Guitar Hero drummer ever?

I guess it's assamix1 or skarred49

Who holds the world record in Guitar Hero?

Danny Johnson holds the Guitar Hero world record. He is the most amazing guitar hero player i have ever seen! If you want to see him play, he has many videos on! His name on youtube is GuitarHeroPhenom. Check it out!