The biggest shark to live is the Mako. This shark lived during the dinosaur age and was known to become has long as two and a half school buses.
The biggest prehistoric fish found is believed to be the Leedsichthys, a giant filter-feeding fish that lived during the Jurassic period. Estimates suggest it could reach lengths of up to 27 meters (around 89 feet).
The biggest fish of all time is the whale shark, which can grow up to lengths of around 40 feet or more. They are not true whales but are the largest species of shark and fish in the world. Their enormous size and docile nature make them a popular attraction for divers and tourists.
The biggest fish ever recorded is the whale shark, which can weigh up to 40,000 pounds.
The largest carnivore to ever exist was the prehistoric dinosaur Spinosaurus, which lived around 95 million years ago. It is estimated to have been around 50-60 feet in length and weighed up to 20 tons.
The biggest lake fish ever caught was a 102-pound, 4-ounce lake trout caught in Great Bear Lake in Canada.
how big was the biggest shark ever The biggest shark ever was 67 feet long.And was a prehistoric shark named Megoladon. For more information go here
The meglodon is the biggest shark ever it is 18m to 68m .second is the whale shark
The biggest shark ever recorded is the megalodon that reaches up to 100 feet long.
The biggest shark ever recorded is the whale shark, which can grow up to about 60 feet in length.
The biggest type of shark is a Whale shark. It is over 40 feet long and only feeds on small fish. The other biggest shark is a megalodon which is extinct.
Cave lions were the biggest lions ever at the prehistoric times. They were up to 15 ft long and weighed from 1700 pounds to 2500 pounds.
The largest fish in the ocean is the whale shark.
The biggest blacktip shark ever caught weighed around 222 pounds and was caught in 1999 off the coast of Florida.
22.5 feet long