The biggest star is VY canis majoris! It is believed that it is 2000 times bigger than the sun!!!!! And trust me its true
There are 26 transuranic elements that have been discovered so far. These elements have atomic numbers greater than uranium (92) and are all synthetic, meaning they do not occur naturally on Earth.
it depends how far away the star is. it's not like we have the technology or anything anyway so....
Observations of the largest known star, currently UY Scuti, indicate it has no companion; so it is almost certainly not being eaten by a black hole, so to speak.
The Sun is the largest star in our solar system. It is a yellow dwarf star that comprises over 99% of the total mass of the solar system.
The atom discovered with the highest atom number = number of proton = number of electrons Note that some negative ions might be bigger. The biggest element so far discovered is 294Uuo (Ununoctium, element 118), a superheavy transactinide element. Only a small number of atoms of this element have ever been produced. The caesium atom with an empirical radius of 260 pm.
The biggest star is the most massive stars so far discovered. The use of the term "biggest star" is also used to refer to a celebrity such as the actor, Tom Cruise or President Barack Obama.
The largest star discovered so far is the UY Scuti red supergiant. It is approximately 1,708 solar radii, where one solar radii equals the radius of the Sun in our solar system.
it is so far the biggest star ever found
Personally, I didn't discover any.
yes it does actually the biggest crater in mars was discovered in the 1970s it was named the borealis basin it was discovered that it was the biggest crater in the solar system so far i hope this helps
the smallest dinosaur ever discovered so far is the compsongnathus this animal lived in the Jurassic period and the largest dinosaur ever discovered is argentinosaurus it weight 100 tons!!!!
So far:- VY Canus Majoris around 2100 times the size of our Sun
The largest known star is UY Scuti, a red supergiant star located in the constellation Scutum. It is estimated to be over 1,700 times larger in diameter than the Sun.
The sun is the biggest star in space. This star is so big that we can see it from Earth. Without it we would be living in darkness.
The smallest star discovered so far is EBLM J0555-57Ab, which is only slightly larger than Saturn in size. This star is part of a binary system and is classified as a red dwarf.
the biggest star is VY Canis Majoris our sun is so much smaller its smaller than a very tiny pebble
The biggest celestial body in volume discovered so far is TrES-4b, an exoplanet located 1,400 light-years away. It is known for its unusually low density, which makes it larger in volume compared to other known planets.