It depends what you mean by largest thing.
Some plants can be a single organism and cover acres of ground.
Some types of marine life can also be huge in extent, mass or length.
The largest mammal that has ever existed is the Blue Whale.
The largest flying animal was the Quetzalcoatlus, a pterosaur that lived around 68 million years ago. It had a wingspan of up to 36 feet, making it larger than any bird known to have existed.
The biggest mammal, also the biggest animal to EVER live on the face of earth is the blue whale. It can grow up to 103 feet in length, specimens of this creature have been found at up to 115 feet. Average weight is 150 tons. Just note that an average sized man can fit into the blue whales main arteries.
The largest scorpion ever found is the Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator), which can grow up to 9 inches (23 centimeters) in length. These scorpions are native to Africa and are known for their impressive size and striking appearance.
It is difficult to determine the most dangerous thing that ever lived as there have been many organisms throughout history that posed significant threats. Some candidates include the T-rex, the black plague bacterium, and certain species of venomous snakes. Ultimately, the concept of danger can be subjective and depend on various factors.
The biggest shark ever in prehistoric times was the Megalodon, which lived about 23 to 3.6 million years ago. It is estimated to have reached lengths of up to 60 feet or more and is considered one of the largest predators to have ever existed.
No. The largest creature to have ever lived is the blue whale.
False. Elephant birds are the biggest birds ever to have lived.
The Blue Whale
itiits the biggest dinosaur that ever lived
The blue whale is the biggest species of whale and the biggest creature ever to have lived on this planet.
Spider which lives 20 years
No. He was a big'un all right, but the biggest creature that ever lived is living today: it's the blue whale. The bigger dinosaurs were bigger than megalodon as well.
The biggest animal tooth in the world was from the saber tooth tiger which lived in the ice age.
Yes, only one of the biggest geniuses who ever lived.
Tyrannasaurus was the largest meat eater that existed
Gavin JD's DENIS ;)