The fastest I believe is the Yumipon, the archer. It can shoot 3 arrows in fever mode. Though what rarepon and what level it is also counts.
The fastest dodge is typically the one where the person being attacked moves out of the way just in time to avoid the attack. This can vary depending on the speed of the attacker, the distance to move, and the reflexes of the person dodging.
The speed of light is fastest in a vacuum. All other media slow the speed of light down, albeit very slightly.
The racer with the highest overall speed in Mario Kart 64 was the green dinosaur named Yoshi, but he was almost rivaled in speed by Toad, who had much better handling than Yoshi.
The Dodge Tomahawk holds the record for the fastest motorcycle in the world, with a top speed of 350 mph (560 km/h). However, it is not street legal and was more of a concept vehicle. In terms of street-legal motorcycles, the Suzuki Hayabusa is one of the fastest production motorcycles, with a top speed of around 186 mph (299 km/h).
No!...Speed of light is the fastest speed possible, but now a new particle called lepton is more faster than light...rather it is has the fastest speed discovered till now.It travels in the same wave as light travels i.e tranverse waves.
In August 2008, Sonic the Hedgehog was officially titled the fastest videogame character of all time with a top speed of light speed (using light dash). Average speed varies between speed of sound and mach 3. Tops Mach 5.4 running. Mach 10 for homing attack.
wally west he run over 7,000 miles! and he kills the speed force
The weight of the weapon affects the speed of a character. With less speed, characters will be unable to double attack.
Fastest is technically deoxys speed-forme however I would consider the fastest to be ninjask because of his ability. Speed Boost: Speed increases by one stage each turn except the turn that the Pokémon is switched into battle. The slowest pokemon having a speed of 5 would be munchlax and shuckle...(possibly others)However 5 is the lowest speed I know of. Shuckle can be great for trick room teams.Using the move power trick turns his amazing 230 defense into attack. This gives him the highest attack in the game!
Some are, yes, but not all of them. Military attack helicopters tend to be the fastest. The average speed of a formula 1 car is 230 MPH. The average speed of an Apache attack helicopter is 365 MPH.
The fastest holdens speed limit is 455!!!
FASTEST when dealing with speed
The fastest typing speed was by a women maintaining a speed of 212 wpm.
Fastest and average are mutually incompatible. You cannot have the fastest average speed
Light is fastest in a vacuum; in this case, its speed is about 300,000,000 meters/second.Light is fastest in a vacuum; in this case, its speed is about 300,000,000 meters/second.Light is fastest in a vacuum; in this case, its speed is about 300,000,000 meters/second.Light is fastest in a vacuum; in this case, its speed is about 300,000,000 meters/second.
The most fastest sword in Spiral Knights is the Obsidian Edge, which is known for its quick attack speed and high damage output. It is favored by many players for its swift strikes in combat.
The fastest dodge is typically the one where the person being attacked moves out of the way just in time to avoid the attack. This can vary depending on the speed of the attacker, the distance to move, and the reflexes of the person dodging.