The River Amazon is the second longest river in the world at 4,000 miles long.
The Amazon is in South America.
The River Nile is the longest river at 4,132 miles long.
Its the Pssaic River at flood in the chasm at the northern end of the Great Falls. in Paterson NJ. The flow velocity attains at least 70 mph as it plummets over the falls into the chasm and shoots out laterally at extraodinately hi velocity. I am not talking about the velocity of the water as it drops over the falls, but the velocity of the water as it is literally squeezed at high force and high speed (possibly 70 mph) out of the narrow chasm into the wider basin just downstream. This must be the fastest naturally occurring flow/phenomena.
I am surprised no-one has stuied this effect before. It is absolutely mesmorizing to see how water can be so forcibly made to move so fast.
The Amazon River is considered the fastest-flowing river in the world. Its average discharge of water is greater than the next seven largest rivers combined.
The world's fastest moving glaciers are found in Greenland and Antarctica. The Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland is one of the fastest moving glaciers, reaching speeds of up to 150 feet per day. In Antarctica, glaciers like the Lambert Glacier have been recorded to move at speeds exceeding 16 feet per day.
Amazon Actually the fastest flowing river in the world is one that no one would ever suspect. I claim the Passiac River at Paterson NJ is hands down the fastest flowing river in the world during flood stage. The Great Falls of the Passaic River at Paterson NJ falls 77 ft into an extreme narrow gorge which at the head of the gorge the river channel is no more than 25-30 ft wide. It is at this point in the falls into which the greatest volume of river water plummets. At flood stage when there is many billions of gallons per day going over the falls, the combination of the velocity of the descending water crushing down onto the channel squeezes or puts pressure onto the water in the channel from above. This combined with a very narrow cross section causes the velocity in that short and small section of the river to easily flow some 70 mph. There is nothing like it anywhere in the country maybe the world. This is not a man made channel, it is natural, so the flow velocity during floods is the fastest naturally occurring flow (if you can call it flow, it literally shoots laterally out of the narrow section of gorge)
A cricket ball bowled by a fast bowler is considered one of the fastest moving objects in sports, reaching speeds over 90-100 mph.
The fastest moving protozoan is probably the Euglena, which can move at speeds of up to 55 micrometers per second using its flagellum.
The fastest moving planet in our solar system is Mercury. It orbits the Sun at an average speed of about 47.87 km/s, covering roughly 107,000 km in an hour.
The Amazon river
a cold front is the fastest moving front
The world's fastest moving glaciers are found in Greenland and Antarctica. The Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland is one of the fastest moving glaciers, reaching speeds of up to 150 feet per day. In Antarctica, glaciers like the Lambert Glacier have been recorded to move at speeds exceeding 16 feet per day.
The river flows the fastest in the middle of the river.
The longest and fastest flowing river in Scotland is the River Spey!
There seems to be some debate in the car world about the fastest moving Jeep. Some claim the Cherokee Lardedo is the fastest as it goes from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds. However, others are claiming the SRT8 - 10.88 is the fastest. It was clocked going 139 mph.
The Macleay river is fatest in world and it's in australia. Thanks and have a nice day.
The River Swale is considered to be the fastest river in England, and it tends to flood a lot as well.
Amazon Actually the fastest flowing river in the world is one that no one would ever suspect. I claim the Passiac River at Paterson NJ is hands down the fastest flowing river in the world during flood stage. The Great Falls of the Passaic River at Paterson NJ falls 77 ft into an extreme narrow gorge which at the head of the gorge the river channel is no more than 25-30 ft wide. It is at this point in the falls into which the greatest volume of river water plummets. At flood stage when there is many billions of gallons per day going over the falls, the combination of the velocity of the descending water crushing down onto the channel squeezes or puts pressure onto the water in the channel from above. This combined with a very narrow cross section causes the velocity in that short and small section of the river to easily flow some 70 mph. There is nothing like it anywhere in the country maybe the world. This is not a man made channel, it is natural, so the flow velocity during floods is the fastest naturally occurring flow (if you can call it flow, it literally shoots laterally out of the narrow section of gorge)
The eyelid is the fastest moving eyelid in the human body
The fastest thing in the world is light, or light particles. The move at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. I hope this helps :)
The Huang hu river in China, Ganges in india and Satluj in Himalayas are world's fastest flowing rivers with a speed of water flow crossing over 145Km/hour also.