I'm not sure that even any dinosaurs exceeded the speed of a cheetah so i think that the cheetah still holds the record for fastest land animal.
Was and still is the Blue Whale
The biggest shark ever in prehistoric times was the Megalodon, which lived about 23 to 3.6 million years ago. It is estimated to have reached lengths of up to 60 feet or more and is considered one of the largest predators to have ever existed.
The biggest prehistoric fish found is believed to be the Leedsichthys, a giant filter-feeding fish that lived during the Jurassic period. Estimates suggest it could reach lengths of up to 27 meters (around 89 feet).
gt contanental
No animal has ever been on Mars.
The fastest person who ever lived is Usain bolt.
The Peregrine Falcon isn't just the fastest bird in the world it is also the fastest animal in the world. The fastest speed the Peregrine Falcon reached ever recorded was an amazing 242.3 MPH or 390 KM/H.
The fastest dinosaur that ever lived was the cheetah-sized dinosaur called the Compsognathus.
The largest prehistoric animal ever was the Basilosaurus which was a 59 foot whale. The largest crocodilian was the 39 foot long Sarcosuchus Imperator.
The cast of The Fastest Man Who Has Ever Lived - 2010 includes: Usain Bolt as himself
Alvin Lee
UB is the fastest person ever timed for a 100m or 200m track race. is he the fastest human ever alive? We will never know.
Secretariat was the fastest horse that ever lived
The fastest dinosaur that ever lived was the cheetah-like dinosaur called the Dromiceiomimus, which could run up to speeds of 60 miles per hour.
Twister type him in on youtube/google
I don't know I think cheetah because their my favorite animal