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It's a difficult concept to grasp, but such a number doesn't exist. Imagine you are standing next to the world's foremost mathematical genius and you ask that question. He or she names a number and you say, "Plus one." Now you have created the highest number known to humans. Then that stinky guy down the block shouts out, "Double it!" Now he has created the highest number known to humans. Of course, you will say "Plus one" again and the two of you will continue this rivalry for decades. Numbers don't stop.

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8mo ago

The highest number known to humans is called "Googolplex," which is 10^googol, where googol is 10^100. It is an extremely large number that surpasses our current understanding and capacity to comprehend.

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Q: What is the highest number known to humans?
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What is th highest number known to man?

It doesn't make much sense to talk about the "highest number", or about the "highest number known to man", since there are infinitely many numbers. In the case of a finite number, you can always add one to get a higher number. In the case of an infinite number, you can always raise 2 to the power of this infinite number to get a higher infinity.

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Trillquadquintsexsepoctnondecundecduo...That's the highest number known to mankind

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243112609-1. It has almost 13 million digits.

To find the second highest number from a set of numbers?

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