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46 pounds

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The largest fish caught in Lake Lanier is a 63-pound, 4-ounce striped bass. This record-breaking fish was caught by angler James Ricketson in 2010.

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Q: What is the largest fish caught in lake Lanier?
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The largest bodies of water in Georgia are Lake Lanier and the Savannah River. Lake Lanier is a reservoir located in northern Georgia, while the Savannah River forms part of the border between Georgia and South Carolina. These bodies of water are important for recreation, water supply, and transportation in the state.

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Lake Lanier is located in the northern part of Georgia, United States, near the city of Gainesville.

How old is Lake Lanier?

Lake Lanier was completed in the year 1956. As of 2014, the lake is approximately 58 years old. The lake is located in the state of Georgia.

What is the depth of Lake Lanier?

The area of Lake Lanier is 149.734 square kilometers.

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