The biggest fish ever caught is the elusive unicorn fish in lake oroville ca it weighed in at a woping 2,789.
The largest red fish species is the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), also known as redfish. The largest recorded red drum caught on rod and reel weighed 94 pounds.
A new all tackle record is being certified now, caught in Connetticut, 81 plus pounds. However, a 125 pound fish was caught in a commericial net in the 1890's in North Carolina, off Cape Hatteras.
The biggest fish of all time is the whale shark, which can grow up to lengths of around 40 feet or more. They are not true whales but are the largest species of shark and fish in the world. Their enormous size and docile nature make them a popular attraction for divers and tourists.
The biggest sea bass is the goliath grouper, which can weigh several hundred pounds. The biggest morone family (true bass) is the striped bass, which the world record is 125 pounds. The biggest of the Micropterus species (true sunfish) is the largemouth bass, which can exceed 20 pounds.
The strongest fishing reel will typically be a heavy-duty conventional reel designed for offshore fishing, such as the Shimano Tiagra or Penn International series. These reels are built with durable materials and high drag capacities to handle large and powerful fish.
I have seen 800 pound makos caught on a rod and reel. Trophy fish!!
The largest red fish species is the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), also known as redfish. The largest recorded red drum caught on rod and reel weighed 94 pounds.
Many great white sharks have been caught over that amount. The world record is 23 feet and 7000 lbs, but not caught on rod and reel. The largest caught on rod and reel was 2664 lbs caught near Ceduna, South Australia, on April 21, 1959 by Alfred Dean.
The fish caught in "The Old Man and the Sea" is a giant marlin. It is a massive, powerful fish that the old man, Santiago, battles with for days as he struggles to reel it in.
Reel Big Fish was created in 1992.
A new all tackle record is being certified now, caught in Connetticut, 81 plus pounds. However, a 125 pound fish was caught in a commericial net in the 1890's in North Carolina, off Cape Hatteras.
He had to reel in the fish. Before they were digitized, movies were film on reels.
i reel in the fish
Most people say that the blue whale is the biggest fish in the world but they got it all wrong. The blues whale is actually a mammal and so is the shark. So the biggest fish is most likely the silver dome fish, so yea
If you are referring to the Australian snapper (pagrus auratus) the largest ever caught weighed a reported 20 kilos (44lb). It was caught in the Arno Bay region of South Australia in May 2008. See: . Still pic on link is of a reported 19kg / 42lb snapper caught out of Whyalla on the same weekend. I believe the previous record ('70s?) was approx 40lb flat, also from SA.
NO! he is not even a person! you reel in the big fish (mullet) at the end of ice fishing!
In California, only certain types of shellfish, such as crabs, clams, and shrimp, may be caught by hand. Other fish species must be caught using traditional fishing methods, such as using a fishing rod and reel.