Unknown; there where many different types of pyramids. This first pyramid was a bunch of boulders over the tomb
what is the name of the largest pyramid ever built
Mt Graham largest on Earth, although they are building one now to be completed 2022 that will be the largest when done.
The largest construction ever built by humans is the Great Wall of China, spanning over 13,000 miles and constructed over several centuries. It was built to protect China from invasions and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, built in 691 AD, is one of the oldest and largest domes. However, the largest freestanding dome in the world is the Texas State Capitol dome in Austin, completed in 1888 and standing at 311 feet tall.
The largest kite ever made had a wingspan of 25,475 square feet, and was built by the Kuwait Kite Team in 2005. The kite was a replica of a Kuwaiti flag and required a team of 10 people to fly it.
what is the name of the largest pyramid ever built
the titanic was the largest ship ever built in 1911
If you mean the Egyptian pyramids, then the ancient Egyptian built them. However other civilizations have also built pyramidal structures.
The massive Islamic Cultural Center in Madrid is the largest mosque ever built in Spain.
we dont know the purpose of why they built the great pyramaid
Because it just is!
Airbus A380
yes on their time....
Saturn V
Cahokia was a settlement built by the ancient Native Americans. It was the largest city that was ever built north of Mexico.