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The mass weight of organisms per unit area or volume is called biomass.

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Q: What is the mass weight of organisms per area or volume called?
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Counting the number of organisms in one area and multiplying to estimate the number in a larger area is called?

This method is called quadrat sampling. It involves counting the number of organisms in a small defined area (quadrat), then multiplying that count to estimate the total number of organisms in a larger area based on the assumption that the distribution is homogeneous.

What is the most critical factor for the influence of BMR?

the ratio of surface area to volume (weight) of the body

The area where the organisms live?

The area where organisms live is called their habitat. It provides the necessary resources like food, water, and shelter for the organisms to survive and reproduce. Habitats can vary in size and characteristics, from oceans and forests to deserts and grasslands.

What relationship between surface area and volume must organisms achieve to ensure efficient delivery of nutrients?

Organisms need to have a high surface area to volume ratio to efficiently deliver nutrients. This allows for more surface area through which nutrients can be absorbed, reducing the distance that nutrients need to travel to reach cells inside the organism. This helps to maintain a balance between the intake of nutrients and the needs of the organism for growth and function.

What is the Area of One Gallon of Water?

The volume of one gallon of water is approximately 3.785 liters, and the density of water is about 1 g/cm³. Therefore, the weight of one gallon of water is around 3.785 kg. However, it is incorrect to speak of the area of a volume – area is a two-dimensional measurement, while volume is three-dimensional.

Related questions

The total dry weight of the organisms in an ecosystem is called?

The total dry weight of the organisms in an ecosystem is called biomass. Biomass represents the total amount of organic matter present in living organisms within a specific area or trophic level. It is an essential measure of the energy stored in an ecosystem.

What is the space inside a figure called?

It depends on the type of figure. If it is a 2D figure, then it is called area. If it is a 3D figure, then it is called volume.

The amount of space something takes up is called?

i believe its volume

How do you get the weight of soil in an area?

To get the weight of soil in an area, you need to multiply the volume of soil by the density of the soil. The formula is weight = volume x density. You'll need to measure or calculate the volume of soil and know the density of the particular type of soil you are working with.

Is 472kg the volume or area or length?

It's a measure of weight ! A kilogram is a unit of weight !

The range of different organisms in an area are called what?

Biodiversity. It refers to the variety of living organisms within a specific region or ecosystem.

The volume increases much more rapidly than the surface?

This is because volume is cubic, while surface area is squared. As a result, when an object increases in size, its volume increases at a faster rate than its surface area. This phenomenon is why small organisms, with a large surface area relative to their volume, can exchange gases and nutrients more efficiently than larger organisms.

What volume is 1.5 hz?

'Hz' is a unit of frequency. It has no connection to volume, area, loudness, weight, etc.

What is the area or place where organisms lives called?


What does 480 square feet of water weight?

Nothing.480 square feet is a measure of area - not of volume. An area cannot have mass and therefore no weight.

What can be measured in the metric system?

Weight, length, temperature, volume, land area.

What is the weight of a square meter of steel?

A square meter is a measure of area, not volume.