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That's referred to as the scale.

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1w ago

The number used to multiply the lengths of a figure to create a larger or smaller similar image is called the scale factor. It is a ratio that represents the proportional relationship between the corresponding sides of two similar figures.

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Q: What is the number used to multiply the lengths of a figure to make a larger or smaller similar image?
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What is Scale Factor?

The number used to multiply the lengths of a figure to stretch or shrink it to a similar image. If we use a scale factor of 3, all the corresponding lengths in the original side lengths will be multiplied by three.

What are the corresponding side lengths of a similar figure?


How are the information given by scale factors different from the information given by the ratios of side lengths?

The information of a scale factors tell you how much to multiply to stretch or shrink the figure into the similar figure. On the other hand the information given by the twirls of side lengths is a comparison of two quantities

How do you work out the area of an L shape?

You should break it down in to smaller shapes. Two rectangles. Then figure out all the lengths. Multiply to find the area of the two rectangles. then add the products to get the final area.

What does the scale factor tell you two similar shapes?

The scale factor is the number that the side lengths of one figure can be multiplied by to give the corresponding side lengths of the other figure.

What does the scale factor tell you about two similar shapes?

The scale factor is the number that the side lengths of one figure can be multiplied by to give the corresponding side lengths of the other figure.

How do you figure out if triangles are similar?

you compare their angles to make sure they are the same. if so, check their side lengths. if you can make a porportion, they are similar. if not, they are not similar.

What number do you multiply both the length and width to get a similar figure?

Multiply both the length and width by the samenumber to get a similar figure.It doesn't matter what the number is.

How do you find the dimensions of a figure if you know the dimensions of a similar figure?

If two objects have the same shape, they are called "similar." When two figures are similar, the ratios of the lengths of their corresponding sides are equal. To determine if the triangles shown are similar, compare their corresponding sides.

The volumes of two similar figures are 512 mm3 and 3375mm3. If the surface area of the smaller figure is 128mm2. What is the surface area of the larger figure?

450 mm2 Ratio of areas is the square of the ratio of lengths. Ratio of volumes is the cube of the ratios of lengths. If the volumes are in the ratio of 512 to 3375, then the lengths are in the ratio of: 3√512 : 3√3375 = 8 : 15 ⇒ ratios of areas: 82 : 152 = 64 : 225 ⇒ as smaller has surface area of 128 mm2, the larger has: surface_area = (128 ÷ 64) x 225 mm2 = 450 mm2

What does the word Scale factor mean in math?

the number used to muliplpy the lengths of a figure to stretch or shrink it to a similar image.

The surface area of two similar figures are 36in and 49in if the volume of the smaller figure is 648 in what is the volume of the larger figure?
