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By atoms it is 50% sodium and 50% chlorine.

By mass (sodium is 23.0, chlorine is 35.5, salt is 58.5) is 39.3% sodium and 60.7% chlorine.

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Q: What is the percent composition of chlorine in salt?
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AnswerSodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl)Table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl) and contain chlorine and sodium.

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The molar mass of CCl3F is 137.37 g/mol. The mass of chlorine in one molecule of CCl3F is 106.38 g/mol. To calculate the mass percent of chlorine in CCl3F, divide the mass of chlorine by the molar mass of CCl3F and multiply by 100. This gives a mass percent of 77.48%.

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To find the percent composition of an element, you need to calculate the molar mass of the element in the compound and divide it by the molar mass of the whole compound, then multiply by 100. The molar mass of Mg(ClO4)2 is approximately 223.21 g/mol. The molar mass of chlorine in the compound is 70.906 g/mol. Therefore, the percent composition of chlorine in Mg(ClO4)2 is (70.906 g/mol / 223.21 g/mol) x 100 = 31.74%.

What is the chemical composition of table salt?

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What better salt system or chlorine?

A salt system makes chlorine, that's what its there for.