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The radius? The radius of a black hole may very well be infinite. The schwarzchild radius is give by: 2GM/c2. G is the universal gravitational constant, M is the mass (16 suns in your case), and c is, of course, the speed of light. G is 6.67 x 10-11 m3 /(kg∙sec2)]. M (one sun) is 2x1030 kg. c is 3x108 m/s

Put it all together, and rs is 44,500 meters, or 45 km.

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The event horizon radius for a black hole can be calculated using the formula: R = 2GM/c^2, where M is the mass of the black hole, G is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light. Plugging in the values for a black hole with 16 solar masses, we find R = 47 km.

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Q: What is the radius of the event horizon for 16 M sun?
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Can the sun rise and go more than 18 degrees below the horizon on any date of the year in Svalbard Norway - at 78 degrees North?

During 2013 at 16° East Longitude by 78° North Latitude, the center of the sun as seen from Earth is never more than 18° below the horizon from 4 March @ 23:34 WET until 8 October @ 23:01 WEST. However, with respect to that location, the sun is more than 18° below the horizon during part of every day before 5 March and after 7 October.

Do black holes suck in everything near it?

Black holes would only suck in matter whose relative velocity is too low to escape the vicinity (escape velocity). At the event horizon the pull is so great and escape velocity is so large that it equals the speed of light and generally nothing can escape at that point. Even electromagnetic radiation emitted outside the event horizon but inside the black hole's photon sphere stands a good chance of getting sucked in, or more correctly, the curvature of space is such that directions that light would travel in would more likely intersect the event horizon the closer you get to it.

How is the radius of a proton calculated?

The radius of a proton is not calculated directly, but rather inferred from experiments and theoretical models. One common approach is to use scattering experiments, such as electron-proton scattering, to measure the distribution of charge within the proton. From this, the root mean square (RMS) radius can be extracted, which gives an estimate of the size of the proton. Another method involves using quantum chromodynamics (QCD) calculations, a theory that describes the structure of protons and other particles, to estimate the proton's radius.

What happens to thelength of day as you move nor of the equator?

The path of the sun in the sky is determined by the Earths tilt with regard to the sun during the year and the position of the observers position on the Earth's surface. These same concerns also impact the location on the horizon that the sun appears to rise and set.In the simplest case, at the autumnal and vernal equinoxes the sun reaches a height of (90 - location degree of latitude). For other easily calculable times of yeas such as the solstices the sun reaches a height of (90 - degree of latitude - inclination of the earth in degrees) degrees.

What is the reason that the sun doesn't set on the north pole in the summer?

The sun doesn't set at the North Pole in the summer because of the tilt of the Earth's axis. During the summer solstice, the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, causing it to receive sunlight around the clock, creating the phenomenon known as the Midnight Sun.

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