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A piccolo

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Q: What is the smallest flute in the world?
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What is the smallest instrument in the flute family?

it would be piccolo if it is considered in the flute family.

What is the smallest instrumet in an orchestra?

The piccolo, which is a small version of the flute.

What is the smallest instrument in an orchestra?

The piccolo, which is a small version of the flute. Some might say the piccolo since it is quite small. However, there are so many percussion instruments that it is hard to tell which might be the smallest. I would think that castanets might be considered the smallest instrument in the orchestra. They are typically about the size of the palm of your hand.

What is the smallest instrument in an orcehstra?

Probably the piccolo,it's pretty much a very tiny flute.

Which instrument is the smallest member of thewoodwind family?

That would be the half-flute, otherwise known as the piccolo.

What is the little sister or brother of the flute called?

There are twelve members of the western flute family, smallest first. Piccolo, treble flute, Soprano, Concert, Flute d'amour, Alto, Bass. Contra alto, Contrabass, Subcontrabass, Double contrabass and Hyperbass flutes

What is the smallest woodwind instrument?

The smallest band instruments are the piccolo, the piccolo Trumpet, the Soprano Saxophone, flute, cornet, Clarinet... i think that's it. I might have missed a few. These are in no particular order.

What is the smallest and highest pitched member of the flute family?

A piccolo, wich can be made of wood, plastic, or sometimes metal.

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What. is the smallest ocean in the world?

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean in the world.

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Vatican City is the smallest state in the world.