Darkness doesn't have a speed. What you are seeing is the light leaving.
You could say it's the same as the speed of light but it's really just your perception that darkness is moving but it's really the absence of light.
Dark is defined as the absence of light. Therefore, it moves just as quickly as light, away from the light. The speed of light IS variable, it is NOT a constant.
The universe consists only of space, mass and energy. The word 'speed' is applicable only to mass (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy (heat, light, electromagnetic waves, etc.). Darkness is not a mass nor energy, so the word speed cannot be applied to darkness.
The God of Darkness is often referred to as Angra Mainyu in Zoroastrianism.
No, the hours of daylight and darkness in September are closer to those of March, while November has shorter daylight hours and longer periods of darkness as it approaches the winter solstice.
No, darkness cannot overcome light. Light always overcomes darkness because light is the presence of photons and darkness is the absence of photons. Once light is present, darkness disappears.
The darkness will sink behind the sun when the rotation of the Earth brings the sunlight to that part of the world, causing the darkness to recede. This cycle of darkness giving way to light occurs daily as the Earth rotates on its axis, creating day and night.
I do not have personal preferences as I am a computer program. However, some people may prefer darkness over light for reasons such as finding it comforting, calming, or conducive to relaxation.
Darkness is only the absence of light. The 'speed of darkness', or the speed at which darkness 'propagates' (even though only the absence of photons is propagating) is therefor equal to the speed of light.
The Speed of Darkness - EP - was created in 2002.
Speed of Darkness was created on 2011-05-31.
Darkness does not actually travel. When we perceive it as moving, it is the absence of light that is spreading. Light can be blocked or absorbed, creating darkness, but darkness itself does not have a speed at which it travels.
Darkness is the absence of light and will therefore travel at the speed of light (6x108m/s)
Neither can "come first" - for darkness to exist there must be an absence of light. But for light to exist there must be something to burn, and before there was anything burning there would have been darkness. But.... as there would have been nothing to observe the darkness - as nothing can exist without light - then one can say that light and darkness are mutually necessary. You can't have one without the other.
Presumably at the speed of light.
no light and it trazels at the speed of light
No, light is not the absence of darkness. Darkness is nothing, light is something.No, light is not the absence of darkness. Darkness is nothing, light is something.No, light is not the absence of darkness. Darkness is nothing, light is something.No, light is not the absence of darkness. Darkness is nothing, light is something.
When scientists refer to the speed of light, they're talking about the photons which make up light. Darkness is the absence of light; hence, there are no photons. There is nothing to measure. The speed of darkness is undefined as there is no quanta making up darkness. Put simply: There is no speed of darkness!
No, Light and Darkness Dragon's negation effect is a Quick Effect which is spell speed 2, so it cannot chain to a Counter Trap which is spell speed 3.
It doesn't have a velocity! However, in theory, one could say that darkness is the only thing that replaces light!! So as light goes away, darkness takes its place!! So darkness probably travels at the speed of light :D - 186000 miles per second (that's about 7.5 times round the earth in a second)