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Steel depends on a number of factors and varies in density from 7.7g/cm3 to 8.0 g/cm3. So 4000lb of steel tool at 7.7 g/cm3 would equal 8.32 cubic feet.

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9mo ago

To calculate the volume of the steel ingot, we need to know the density of steel. The density of steel is around 0.284 pounds per cubic inch. Therefore, to find the volume in cubic inches, we divide the weight (4000 pounds) by the density (0.284 pounds per cubic inch) to get 14,084.5 cubic inches. Finally, to convert cubic inches to cubic feet, we divide by 1728 (since 1 cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches), resulting in a volume of approximately 8.15 cubic feet.

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Q: What is the volume in cubic feet of steel ingot weighing 4000 pound?
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