Come on people we all know the the longest sleeping yoyo is the yomega Brain Autoreturn I made mine sleep for 10 seconds no mod it was pro lol.
Brains cant sleep for close to 3 minutes. the Phenom is longest that i know of next to diablos
The Worlds Longest limo is 100 feet long ( 30 meters )
Canada holds the title for the world's longest continual coastline, stretching over 202,080 kilometers along its borders.
The world's longest boardwalk is the Atlantic City Boardwalk in New Jersey, USA. It stretches for about 4 miles along the Atlantic Ocean.
The world's longest serving monarch is currently Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, who has been on the throne since 1952.
Chile is the world's longest and narrowest country. It stretches over 4,300 kilometers from north to south, while its width varies from only 177 kilometers to 430 kilometers.
The yoyo factory buddah king 2 like 20 minutes
the worlds longest sleeping yoyo is night moves 5.
the worlds biggest yoyo is about the size of a hobo
The best yomega yoyo is the maverick because the maverick sleeps the longest and that was the only yoyo that I could win a yoyo completion with.
hyper infinity
worlds longest toenailes
The worlds longest road bridge is in China
Hebesberger UT (Rossleithen) has the longest tunnel
The worlds longest river, the Nile, is in Africa
One of the worlds longest rivers that begins with the letter n is the Nile. This river is in Egypt.