1014 was in the 11th century.
Star 5A is 5.417 x 10^14 miles away from planet X. To convert this to light years, divide this distance by 5.88 x 10^14 miles per light year. This gives a distance of approximately 0.92 light years from planet X to star 5A.
1.9 x 10^14 light years is equivalent to 1.9 quadrillion light years.
The distance light will travel in 15 years. Or about 1.42 x 1014 kilometers.
Visible light has a frequency range between approximately 430 to 750 terahertz (THz). This corresponds to wavelengths ranging from about 400 to 700 nanometers.
338 times.
In scientific notation it is: 1.0000008*1014
456789 * 1234567890 = 5.63937032 × 1014
5.93420652 × 1014
39 x 26 = 1024
1014 / 39 = 26
1014 was in the 11th century.
1014 is equal to 1014; no other number is equal to it.
Not evenly. 1014/7 = 144.85714...