The revolution of the planets about the sun, but he wanted to use circles.
contribution of chemistry to physics
Copernicus' contribution to astronomy was the heliocentric model, which placed the sun at the center of the solar system instead of Earth. This model revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos and laid the foundation for modern astronomy. Scientists continue to build upon Copernicus' work to further explore the universe.
Newton's mathematical contribution is the mathematical law of Gravity and the calculus. F=mGM/r2, is introduced mathematical physics, modern physics.
Yes he was.
Copernicus developed an interim theory of the planets in which the Sun was at the centre instead of the Earth as had previously been believed. Although Copernicus's theory only lasted from 1543 to 1609 when Kepler's theory replaced it, it is regarded as a useful step along the way.
Galileo, Ben Franklin, Faraday, Avogadro, Keplar, Copernicus, Einstein, Maxwell, Archimedes, Edwin Hubble and countless others.
contribution of chemistry to physics
Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer. His greatest contribution was to assert that the earth revolves around the sun. At the time that Copernicus lived, the general conception was that the sun revolved around earth.
heliocentric theory
Claudius Ptolemy wrote the first book of astronomy
studying astronomy and physics
Copernicus' contribution to astronomy was the heliocentric model, which placed the sun at the center of the solar system instead of Earth. This model revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos and laid the foundation for modern astronomy. Scientists continue to build upon Copernicus' work to further explore the universe.
Nicholas Copernicus had a Doctorate in law but not in physics or anything else like Albert einstien.He was a great astronomer.
Although he made enormously important contributions to physics, his contribution to mathematics was limited. The non-existence of a fixed frame of reference is probably the most significant mathematical contribution - as opposed to contribution to physics.
The biggest contribution of Blaise Pascal in physics is his contribution towards atmospheric pressure. He discovered that vacuums are real and exist in the real world.
Tolosani claimed Copernicus made his biggest error by using "inferior" fields of study to make statements about the "superior" fields. Copernicus used Math and Astronomy to postulate about Physics and Cosmology. Others used principles of Physics and Cosmology to determine principles of Math and Astronomy. Tolosani felt Copernicus was undermining the entire system of science. He said Copernicus fell into philosophical error because he was not knowledgeable in physics and logic. To him, anyone who did not know physics and logic would be unable to make a good astronomer, and not be able to tell truth from falsehood. A simpler answer: Copernicus thought the planets moved in circular orbits. Kepler later showed they move in elliptical orbits.