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Copernicus (1473-1543)Ptolemaic System
  • Planets appear to reverse motions at times.
  • Ptolemy explained motions in terms of orbits (epicycles) carried on a larger orbit (deferent).
  • Epicycle deferent ratios were very close to modern values of planet/earth orbit ratios. System worked very well.
  • Contrary to popular myths, Ptolemy's system was not overly cumbersome, and it accounted for subtleties like the uneven motion of the Sun
  • It is not Ptolemy's fault he did such a good job that it took 1500 years to improve on him!
Emerging Problems
  • System began to seem cumbersome and inelegant.
  • System inaccurate. Alfonsine tables out of date by 1500.
Possible clues to Copernican idea
  • Epicycle motions for Venus and Mercury opposite other planets.
  • Epicycle for Sun's motion appeared in schemes for all other planets.
  • References to now-lost ideas of Aristarchus of Samos
Heliocentric Idea
  • Copernicus replaced epicycles with orbital motion of Earth.
  • Less accurate than Ptolemaic system but conceptually simpler.
  • Published as De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (on the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) 1542.
  • Little immediate hostility. Earlier speculations on moving earth had been decreed heretical, hence moving earth idea could be lightly dismissed.
  • One of most vigorous critics was Martin Luther.
Kepler (1572-1630), Brahe (1546-1601)Kepler was a medieval mystic.
  • One of the last of the "scientific astrologers."
  • Attempted to explain spacing of planet orbits by reference to Platonic solids.
  • Kepler was reluctant to abandon perfectly circular motion (but despite his mystic tendencies, he did when the evidence required it).
  • Kepler found many numerological relationships among the planets, of which "Kepler's Laws" are the three that have proven to have a physical basis.
  • Kepler's concept of the Sun as center of solar system may have had a mystical basis.
Need for observational data.
  • Copernican theory based on same observational data as Ptolemaic, hence no more accurate.
  • Kepler turned to Brahe, who had the most advanced observational data.
Kepler's Laws
  • Orbits are elliptical, Sun at one focus, nothing at other.
  • Radius vector sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
  • Square of period proportional to cube of distance.
Kepler and Galileo
  • Galileo and Kepler corresponded.
  • Galileo defended Copernican astronomy but never wrote about Kepler's model.
  • Galileo may have been repelled by Kepler's mysticism.
  • Moral: even the best and most innovative workers can sometimes fail to recognize a major advance.
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8mo ago

The main difference between Copernicus' and Kepler's models of the universe was the shape of the orbits. Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model with circular orbits, while Kepler later proposed an elliptical orbit model. Kepler's model was able to better explain the observed motions of the planets.

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