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Conversion started in 1970, and is still ongoing. Many of the older units are still being used.

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Q: When did Canada use the metric system?
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Does Canada use the Metric System?

Yes, we use the Metric system. Celsius, Metres, and all that. Although most of us can use either system.

Canada's Legal system of measurement?

In some countries as Canada (ancient British colonies) the degree Fahrenheit is used.

Why does most of the world use Canada' s metric system?

The metric system isn't Canada's, it belongs to the whole world, that's why the whole world uses it.

Does Mexico use Celsius?

Right. Mexico uses the decimal system (meters, liters, Celsius).

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Is kilometers or miles Canadian?

Canada is on the metric system. Therefore, Canadians generally use 'kilometers'.

What is Canada's legal measurement?

Canada uses the metric system

When did Canada adopt the metric system?

Canada officially adopted the metric system in 1970 through the Metric Conversion Act. This marked the country's transition from imperial units to metric units for measurements.

When collecting data and doing experiment what system of measurement do most scientists use?

Metric system

Do scientists use the customary system or the metric system of measurements?

They use the metric system.

Legal system of measurement used in Canada?

the metric system is used

What is the legal system of measurement used in Canada?

the metric system