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When making a graph there are certain requirements for ensuring the graph will be accurate. When numbering each axis it is important to ensure that there are the same number of decimal points as what coincides with the data that is recorded.

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When numbering each axis on a graph, you should ensure that the intervals are evenly spaced to provide a clear representation of the data. It is important to start the axis at zero to accurately reflect the scale of the data being presented. Additionally, labeling the axis with an appropriate unit of measurement is crucial for interpretation.

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Q: When making a graph what must be done when numbering each axis?
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How do you determine the work done in a ferromagnet in going round a hysteresis loop?

When a hysteresis loop is plotted on a graph ( X: Current, Y: Magnetic Field Strength ) for the core of any substance, the area covered by the loop (on both sides of the x-axis) will give the total energy involved or work done in one cycle of magnetisation and demagnetisation.

Why there is no 5 fold axis?

A 5-fold axis of rotational symmetry cannot exist in three-dimensional space due to geometric constraints. When an object is rotated by 72 degrees (360/5) around a point, it does not align perfectly with its original position after each rotation, as it does with 2, 3, 4, or 6 fold symmetries. This results in a lack of consistent overlapping orientation, preventing the formation of a stable 5-fold axis.

What is the extrapolation in graph?

Extrapolation in a graph is the process of extending a trend or pattern beyond the observed data points. It involves making predictions or estimations about values outside of the known range of data based on the established relationship within the data. However, extrapolation comes with uncertainty and is more prone to error compared to interpolation, which involves estimating values within the known data range.

What is the important characteristics of the position time graph?

The important characteristics of a position-time graph are the slope, which represents the object's velocity, and the shape of the curve, which indicates the object's motion (constant velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or at rest). The x-intercept of the graph represents the initial position of the object.

What is the significance of the area under the curve on a current v voltage graph?

The area under the curve on a current vs. voltage graph represents the amount of electrical energy transferred. It indicates the work done in moving charge carriers through the circuit. This can be used to calculate power dissipation or energy consumption in the circuit.

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Why adiabetic graph is more closer to pressure axis than isotherm?

because in adiabetic process work done is only due to the expense of its own internal energy

How do you detect misleading graphs?

The most popular way misrepresenting data on graph is not starting with zero on the y axis (vertical axis). This can make very small differences look much greater than they are. For example a graph where the y axis starts at 2000 and goes to 2100 a small difference will look large on the graph. Another method is to miss data points on the x axis this is done to to show a trend that doesn't exist in reality. There is no real way of spotting data that is just made up of course except watch out for line graphs where the line exactly matches the data points. In the real world this hardly ever happens.

What does the word scale mean in mathematical terms?

In Mathematics, scale refers to the size of graphs or shapes, etc., being measured. For example, a graph that consists of an x axis and a y axis that both encompass a great deal of space but are only numbered to 10 would be of no use if you need to graph something that goes up to, say, 48 and 52. You graph would have to be re-scaled, maybe making each point a count of "10" instead of "1", so as to get 100 on each axis, and therefore a better opportunity to graph 48 and 52. Or if that wasn't clear enough... A scale in Math is used in a chart. For example, if you wanted to make a chart such as "Tickets Sold", a scale would be usually the number of tickets sold. It is also usually done in a pattern such as 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and so on.

How do you draw a bar graph?

First off, Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, and other computer programs make neat, accurate bar graphs to make your life easier! To do one by hand, draw a horizontal x-axis, and a vertical y-axis. Under the horizontal axis, put dates or categories (e.g. red, yellow, and blue). Next to the vertical axis, write numbers that apply to your data. If you have data like 10, 15, and 7, you'll want the top of your vertical axis to be about 20, and the bottom should always be 0. Once both your axis are drawn and and have labels draw the bars. They should not touch each other unless you are making a histogram. After you're done, make a title, and titles for each axis. For the example I've been using, I might have a title of "Distribution of M&M Colors," with my horizontal axis titled "Color," and my vertical axis titled "Number in each bag." Depending on why you're making a bar graph, you may need a legend underneath, which gives more information. For my example, I'd say "Graph 1. On 2 December 2011, bags of M&Ms from the Walmart on 32nd Street were analyzed for distribution of colors." If you don't understand this, look carefully at some examples of bar graphs. I hope this helps!

Can work done be calculated by the gradient force-distance graph?

no, work done is the area under a force-distance graph

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The gradient of a force against extension graph represents the spring constant (stiffness) of the spring. It indicates how much force is required to produce a certain amount of extension in the spring. A steeper gradient indicates a higher spring constant.

What are the values of x and y?

y is up and down, x is forward and back, And Z is left and right. If you mean like a sales chart, it probably means different products they are selling. That is what they mean, where you find them are depending on the chart

How do you make an excel graph with a logarithmic scale?

first make your graph with all the points and then once you've done that and you have your graph... double click on one of the scale values on either the x or y axis, look for the 'scale' tab and check the box 'logarithmic scale'....hope it helps The above is incorrect. There is no option for log scale on the x axis. The data will have to be provided in in logarithmic scale for the x axis to depict it as such.

What are the four steps to making a coordinate graph?

Well a regular x-axis and y-axis graph is done like this... First make a horizontal line(from left to right) and draw arrows on each side of the line. mark this the x-axis Second make a vertical line(from top to bottom) that intersects each line in the exact center. mark this the y-axis Third make marks on each of the lines to indicate how far on your line you want to go out. this is line a number line but in four directions... up-direction... down-direction... left-direction... right-direction fourth label your coordinates with the amount of units you go over left or right as the x coordinates. label your coordinates with the amount of units you go up and down as the y-coordinates. they are written as (x,y). and yes you can have negative values for both or just one.

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What does a slope of force vs displacement graph represent?

A curve of a force F, vs displacement x (F vs x), represents the magnitude of a force as it is producing a displacement of a body. The area under the curve froma point x1, to point x2, represents the work done by the force;W =⌠FdxIf the force is constant from x1 to x2, then; W =F∙(x2 - x1)The slope of the curve at a given value of x, (dF/dx),tells us how the force F isvarying with displacement x at that point.For the case of a constant force, the value of the slope is zero, (dF/dx=0),meaning that the force is not varying as the displacement takes place.