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The final only as accurate as the least accurate component in the calculation, so use the significant figures of the measurement with the fewest.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

the measured quantity with the least number of significant figures. For example, if you multiply a quantity with 3 significant figures by a quantity with 2 significant figures, your result should have 2 significant figures.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The least precise measurement.

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Q: When multiplying and diving measured quantities the number of significant figures in the result should be equal to the number of significant figures in?
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When multiplying and dividing measured quantities the number of significant figures in the result should be equal to the number of significant figures in what?

The number of significant figures should be equal to the significant figures in the least precise measurement.

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All three of them are significant figures

A method of expressing the accuracy of measured quantities is?

significant figures.

Are exact quantities considered when applying significant figure rules?

No, exact quantities are not considered when applying significant figure rules. Exact quantities are known with complete certainty and do not impact the uncertainty associated with measured quantities. Significant figures are only counted based on measured values.

What are the rules in multiplication and division of significant figures?

The accuracy of the answer is limited to the LEAST significant figures of the input. So if two measured quantities are multiplied or divided, one of which is accurate to only two significant figures, and other to six significant figures, the answer is only accurate to two significant figures. HOWEVER: use all the figures you have for the calculation, and then round your answer to two significant figures. Also, however, remember that if you are multiplying by an actual exact number, as in doubling, the significant figures of that 2 is unlimited, so the answer is only limited by the significant figures of the number you are doubling.

When multiplying 1.0400 x 0.302001 the number of significant figures in the answer should be?

5 since 1.0400 has 5 significant figures. when dividing or multiplying go with the number with the smaller significant figures.

How many significant figures are needed when multiplying two numbers?

It depends on the number of significant figures from two numbers you are multiplying. But when multiplying you use the same number of significant figures from the numbers you are multiplying with the LEAST number of significant figures. Example: 92,873.239 * 2 = 200,000 (because the number 2 has only 1 significant figure even tho 92,873.239 has 8 significant figures your answer still only has 1 significant figure)

How many significant figures are measured in 1.050L?

4 significant figures.

When multiplying how do you know the proper amount of significant figures?

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.

When multiplying or dividing measurements does the answer have the same amount of significant figures as the measurement with the most significant figures?

No, the one with the least.

When multiplying or dividing measurements the answer has the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the most significant figure?

When multiplying/dividing measurements the answers needs to have the same amound significant figures as the one with the LEAST amount

When multiplying or dividing measurements how many significant figures should the answer contain?

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.