The world's longest living people can be found in regions known as Blue Zones, including Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (California). These regions have high concentrations of centenarians and are known for their healthy lifestyles and diets.
The Worlds Longest limo is 100 feet long ( 30 meters )
The longest recorded time a living thing has slept is 575 days, which was observed in a Snail.
Canada holds the title for the world's longest continual coastline, stretching over 202,080 kilometers along its borders.
The world's longest boardwalk is the Atlantic City Boardwalk in New Jersey, USA. It stretches for about 4 miles along the Atlantic Ocean.
The world's longest serving monarch is currently Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, who has been on the throne since 1952.
worlds longest toenailes
The worlds longest road bridge is in China
Video it.
Hebesberger UT (Rossleithen) has the longest tunnel
The worlds longest river, the Nile, is in Africa
One of the worlds longest rivers that begins with the letter n is the Nile. This river is in Egypt.
the river amazon is the worlds longest river