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A meter (one meter = 1000 mm)

Kilometer when divided by 1000 results in one meter

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Q: Which measurement divided by1000 equals one millimeter cen kilometers what is the answer?
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Which measurement divided by1000 equals one millimeter?

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How many centimeters is there in as half of a meter?

50 cm. 1 metre is 100 cm You can cut op the word to Centi and metres, as centi means one out of one hundred and metres says it self it is put together again saying one out of one hundreds of a meter to expand a bit there is also millimeters and decimeters here is a list of different measures Mega=1.000.000*(what ever you put in here) wrote as a big M or ME in front for example MT Megatons or Mw Megawatt or MEa mega amp Kilo=1000*(what ever you put here) wrote as a K in front of the thing you are describing for example Km for Kilometers Deci=a tenth of wrote as a d in front for example dm decimeter or dl deciliters Centi=measure divided by 100 wrote as c example cm centimeters or cl centiliters Milli=measure divided by1000 wrote as small m example mm millimeters or mg milligram

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Basically you can't, as the effort(the watts)needed to reach and maintain a certain speed depends on the riding conditions.With a bit of a tailwind you might reach and maintain25 MPH/40 KMH easily oneday (=low power).The next day, maybe there's a headwind instead, and you'll have to struggle like crazy(=high power)only to make 20 MPH/32 KMH.

How do you convert a flow of 200 cubic meters per day to liters per second?

Ok. Here's how to come up with a formula. Multiply by 1000000 to get cubic centimeters. one cubic centimeter is one milliliter. There are 1000 milliliters in a liter. Divide by1000. These steps simplify to multiply by 1000. Divide by 24 to get hours, then by 3600 to get seconds. Multiply 200 times 1000, then divide by 24, then divide by 3600. You might want to check this with a math teacher.