475 divided by1000 = 0.475
To change meters to kilometers divide by 1000.7500 divided by1000 is equal to 7.57.5km
A meter (one meter = 1000 mm) Kilometer when divided by 1000 results in one meter
1 metre. There are 10mm in 1cm. 100cm in 1m. 100 x 10=1000
48,000 kilo implies multiply by1000
divided by
K divided by 21 divided by N is equivalent to divided by?
Basically you can't, as the effort(the watts)needed to reach and maintain a certain speed depends on the riding conditions.With a bit of a tailwind you might reach and maintain25 MPH/40 KMH easily oneday (=low power).The next day, maybe there's a headwind instead, and you'll have to struggle like crazy(=high power)only to make 20 MPH/32 KMH.
I say divided by (the divisor or denominator).