No, that was what the scriptures said, but Copernicus's model, also promoted by Galileo, had the Sun at the centre instead.
Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model of the universe, with the Sun at the center and the planets orbiting around it, while Ptolemy's model placed the Earth at the center. By providing a simpler explanation for planetary motion and accurately predicting the positions of celestial bodies, Copernicus's model challenged the complexity of Ptolemy's geocentric theory and gained acceptance over time.
Aristotle had thought that the Earth was the Geo-centric or the center of the universe and everything circled or revolved around it. Copernicus thought that the Sun is the center of the universe. Copernicus' idea is called Helios-centric.
Nicolaus copernicus told that sun was
He was a Polish mathematician who disagreed with Ptolemy's view that the earth is the center of the universe. The heliocentric theory is the theory that the sun is the center of the universe, not the earth.
the sun
Nicolus Copernicus
that the earth was the center of the universe and that the earth wAS FLAT
Everybody did until Nicolaus Copernicus discoved that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe
Copernicus proposed that the Sun was the center of the universe.
Nicolaus Copernicus found that the sun is in center of the universe
copernicus (:
Copernicus' calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that ______ is also not the center the universe.
Copernicus put forward the idea that the Sun, rather than the Earth, was at the center of the universe.
he found out the sun was the center of the universe