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Q: Who was The astronomer who agreed with the heliocentric theory and was imprisoned for his investigations was?
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Which statement describes the controversy by Galileo's heliocentric theory?

Galileo did not propose a heliocentric theory, he agreed with Copernicus and his heliocentric theory. The Catholic church, at the time, disagreed and they held a huge amount of power and put him on trial.

Why was Galileo get imprisoned?

Galileo was imprisoned because his support for the heliocentric model of the solar system - which controversially placed the Sun, not Earth, at the center - went against the teachings of the Catholic Church. He was tried for heresy and sentenced to house arrest for the remainder of his life.

What did Galileo Galilei fear?

Galileo Galilei feared persecution by the Catholic Church for his support of the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus. He was tried and convicted of heresy in 1633 for advocating this view, which contradicted the Church's geocentric teachings. As a result, he was placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.

How did Copernicus prove that the earth wasn't in the middle of the universe?

Galileo did not prove that Earth was not flat (It had already been agreed that it was round). Galileo invented the telescope and used it to prove that there were objects which did not orbit the Earth, supporting Copernicus' Heliocentric model for the universe. The Earth was known to be round by the ancient Greeks, but I do not who it found out initially (sorry).

What proof did church officials have regarding Galileo's crime?

Galileo Galilei first promoted a heliocentric solar system as a physical reality in his 1610 book, The Starry Messenger . Opponents, both academic and ecclesiastical, attacked his ideas; and Galileo was less than diplomatic in his replies to their criticism. In early 1616, a group of Roman Catholic scholars debated this topic, deciding that heliocentricism should be taught only as a useful aid to calculation. Galileo agreed to do exactly that, and did so for the next sixteen years.In 1632, Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems , which had an intelligent person defend a heliocentric system and a person named "Simplicio" defend a geocentric one. Galileo could not (and did not) deny writing this book; his name was on it. The only issue was whether the book promoted an idea that he had earlier agreed not to promote. Galileo claimed it did not, but his defense was rejected. The proof of this crime was pretty clear to anyone who read the book.

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The astronomer who agreed with the heliocentric theory?

There was more than one astronomer who agreed with the heliocentric theory and was imprisoned for his investigations. The astronomers were Copernicus, John Dalton, Lamarck, and Galileo.

The astronomer who agreed with the heliocentric theory and was imprisoned for his investigations was?

I am actually doing a report on Copernicus. He took back what he said but right as he was dying they found out that he was right and his last words were. " I knew the sun was the center, all along."

What other astronomer agreed with coprenicus?

Other than who?

Which statement describes the controversy by Galileo's heliocentric theory?

Galileo did not propose a heliocentric theory, he agreed with Copernicus and his heliocentric theory. The Catholic church, at the time, disagreed and they held a huge amount of power and put him on trial.

Why did Galileo argue with the church?

Galileo agreed with the ideas of Nicolas Copernicus.Galileo agreed with the ideas of Nicolas Copernicus.Galileo promoted the heliocentric idea.Galileo was teaching the heliocentric theory of the universe as fact when it was, at the time, unproven. The Church asked him to revise his teaching to reflect that it was not a fact but only a theory or hypothesis. Most Church officials were on Galileo's side but agreed that he should tone down is rhetoric. Galileo had a very sharp tongue and was quite sarcastic in his remarks and that did little to help his case.

Who proved that earth was not the center of the universe?

The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model in the 16th century, which demonstrated that the Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than being the center of the universe. This heliocentric theory challenged the prevailing geocentric view of the universe.

Where is Michelangelo barred?

Yes he was. Pope Julius II had Michelangelo imprisoned for months until he agreed to paint the Sistine Chapel.

How would today be different if Nicholas Copernicus was never born?

we just wouldn't have figured out that our universe aws heliocentric until a little later Galileo agreed with Copernicus on his theory so we would have found it out still just a little later

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What is the present perfect tense of agree?

Present perfect is formed with - have/has + past participle The past participle of agree is agreed so present perfect is have agreed or has agreed. We have agreed to sign the document. She has agreed to sign the document.

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they did not agreed

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they did not agreed