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A sphere and a cylinder are different shapes. A sphere is like a ball, and a cylinder is like a can.

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1mo ago

Cylinders and spheres are different geometric shapes with different properties. The formulas for calculating their volume and surface area reflect these differences in shape and dimensions. The formula for a cylinder involves multiplying the base area by the height, while the formula for a sphere involves powers of the radius to account for its spherical shape.

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Q: Why are there two different formulas for calculating a cylinder and a sphere?
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What is the map projection that transfers points from a sphere to a cylinder called?

The map projection that transfers points from a sphere to a cylinder is called a cylindrical projection. Examples include the Mercator and Miller cylindrical projections.

What the volume and shape of solid?

To determine the volume of a solid, you would need to know the appropriate formula based on the shape. Common formulas include volume = length × width × height for a rectangular solid, volume = πr^2h for a cylinder, and volume = (4/3)πr^3 for a sphere. The shape of the solid would determine which formula to use for calculating its volume.

Is the volume formula universal for all the figures?

No, the volume formula is not universal for all figures. Different shapes and objects have different formulas to calculate their volume based on their unique dimensions and properties. Each shape requires its own specific formula to accurately determine its volume.

Solid mensuration formulas?

Some common solid mensuration formulas include: Volume of a cube: V = s^3, where s is the length of a side. Surface area of a sphere: A = 4πr^2, where r is the radius. Volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. Surface area of a cone: A = πr(r + √(r^2 + h^2)), where r is the radius and h is the slant height.

Are sphere and ovoid bacteria the same?

No, sphere bacteria are spherical in shape, while ovoid bacteria are egg-shaped or oval. They have different physical characteristics even though they are both classified as bacterial shapes.

Related questions

What is the realationaship between a sphere and cylinder?

They are both 3D shapes and use pi in calculating area or volume

What is different about a cylinder and sphere?

A cylinder looks like a piece of pipe. A sphere looks like a ball.

A cylinder and a sphere are different?

Yes, because a cylinder has lines and a sphere is round. Yes a cylinder has a circle but it does has lines also. But a circle has no vertexes. And a cylinder has a vertexes.

How are two ways a cylinder and a sphere different?

A cylinder 3 faces compared to one and a sphere is fully round unlike a cylinder which has a flat bootom and top.

How are a sphere and a cylinder different?

A sphere is the shape of a ball, and a cylinder is like a tin can; rounded at the middle but with two flat surfaces at the top and bottom.

Formula for calculating the area of sphere?

The formula for calculating the surface area of a sphere is 4πr², where r is the radius of the sphere. This formula represents the area covered by the curved surface of the sphere.

How are the cylinder and the sphere different?

A cylinder is more of a tube with flat circles on each end. A sphere is like a basketball, baseball, soccer ball, etc.

What is the different bit ween cylinder and sphere?

A cylinder is a round object with two flat ends, like a paper towel roll. A sphere is completely round, like a ball.

What are different spatial figures?

rectangular prism,cube,cylinder,sphere,pyramid

What are the different spatial figures?

rectangular prism,cube,cylinder,sphere,pyramid

What was Archimedes discovery about sphere and cylinder?

He discovered the relationship between a sphere and a circumscribed cylinder of the same height and diameter. The volume is 4⁄3πr3 for the sphere, and 2πr3 for the cylinder. The surface area is 4πr2 for the sphere, and 6πr2 for the cylinder (including its two bases), where r is the radius of the sphere and cylinder. The sphere has a volume and surface area two-thirds that of the cylinder. A sculpted sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request.

What is the difference between cylinder and a sphere?

A sphere has 0 vortex and a cylinder has 2 faces