Presumably, each link in a food chain consists of one species on Earth.
The number of species in nature can not exceed the number of creatures of all species.
Assume that each creature requires some finite, non-zero volume of space on Earth; therefore, there is a minimum volume that all creatures each requires.
An infinite number of creatures would occupy infinite space.
Earth has not infinite space, albeit it seems very large to finite creatures like you and me.
Therefore, no food chain on Earth can have infinite links.
An infinite food chain cannot exist in nature because it would require an infinite amount of energy to sustain each level of the chain. In reality, energy is lost at each trophic level due to inefficiency in energy transfer, limiting the number of links in a food chain. Additionally, ecological interactions and environmental factors would eventually lead to a collapse or restructuring of such a complex system.
Elements exist as isotopes in nature. So their atomic weight is not a whole number.
Yes, The elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur are all molecular elements that exist in nature. Due to their reactivity, it is rare to find the halogens and phosphorus in their elemental forms in nature.
because it's an average of various isotopes, in proportion in which they exist in nature
No; infinite also doesn't exist (probable with the exception of the Universe).
Sodium is very reactive and this is the cause for which there doesn't exist uncombined in nature.
There are an infinite number of prime numbers.
Proteins are chains of amino acids, which are joined like letters in a sentence (or book). There are about 20 amino acids, they can be joined in any order, and there is no hard limit to the size of the chain.
I am sure that there are 25 prime numbers exist in mathematics
Theoretically, infinity has an infinite number of factors.
Aristotle was a famous Greek philosopher. He examined the nature of matter, space, time, and motion and proved that infinite linear motion and voids could not exist on Earth. He also reasoned that infinite velocities could not exist, and that time and movement are continuous and inseparable.
A thing does not have to be finite for it to exist. Furthermore, it is possible that time is not infinite but when the Big Crunch happens, space-time will cease to exist.
an infinite number of fractions exist in any portion of anything.
Infinity is the worlds strangest number as it is not - in many respects - a number at all. It is a concept that cannot exist, as far as we is infinite XD
Such a list cannot exist, because there are an infinite number of such fractions.
There are virtually an infinite amount of different skin colours that exist since the possibilities of shades are infinite.
The set of whole numbers is infinite; hence, the number of rectangles that meet your specifications is infinite, as well. Are you sure you have the question right?