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Depends what you're shipping through the pipe.

If it's air or natural gas, very few psi.

If it's crude oil or cookie dough, many many psi.

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To calculate pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) for a fluid flowing through a pipe, you need the fluid's density. Without knowing the density, we cannot directly determine the pressure using just the pipe size and velocity. The pressure would depend on the specific fluid being transported in the pipe.

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Q: With 4 inch pipe and a velocity of 5 feet per second what would that be in pounds per square inch?
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How do you convert 32 pounds per square feet in to how many pound per square inch?

To convert pounds per square feet to pounds per square inch, you need to divide by 144 since there are 144 square inches in a square foot. In this case, 32 pounds per square foot would be equal to 0.222 pounds per square inch.

What is the metric unit that a wave's velocity is measued in?

The speed of anything is measured in metres per second. The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity is a vector, that is it has direction and well as magnitude. So velocity would be measured in metres per second in a certain direction.

The si unit of velocity is the meter per second squared true or false?

False. The SI unit of velocity is meters per second (m/s), not meters per second squared. Meters per second squared is the unit for acceleration.

If you measure force in pounds and distance in feet what are the units of pressure in this system?

The units of pressure in this system would be pounds per square foot (lb/ft²).

How many pounds per sq foot is 5000 pounds?

Your question does not contain enough information to answer. But . . . let's assume that the 5,000 pounds is spread out over a flat surface measuring 50 ft x 100 ft. That equals 5,000 square feet. 5,000/5,000 square feet = 1. So our 5,000 pounds would exert exactly 1 pound per square foot at every point. Let's next say that we spread out the 5,000 pound, but thicker, on a flat surface measuring 25 feet x 50 ft. That equals 1,250 square feet. So our 5,000 pounds is now supported by only 1,250 square feet. We know by looking at it that each square foot will support more of the weight than in the first example. 5,000/1,250 = 4. So our 5,000 pounds in this case would exert exactly 4 pounds per square foot. Carried to an extreme, let's say our 5,000 pounds sits on just one square foot of flat surface. 5,000/1 = 5,000 pounds per square foot. Even crazier, our 5,000 pounds might sit on just a 6 inch x 6 inch flat surface. 6" = 0.25 square feet. So, once again, 5,000/.25 = 20,000 pounds per square foot.

Related questions

Why you have second square in the unit of acceleration?

The unit of acceleration is m/s^2 because it represents the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. The square in the unit indicates that the quantity is being squared, which is necessary in this case to calculate acceleration correctly.

What is the SI in velocity?

If you mean what is the SI unit for velocity, that would be the meter per second, or m/s

What is the Velocity of a toothpick?

The velocity of a toothpick would depend on how fast it is moving. If it is stationary, its velocity would be 0 m/s. If it is moving, its velocity would be the rate of change of its position over time, measured in meters per second.

What is initial velocity measured in?

Initial velocity can be measured in the same units as any other velocity. In SI, that would be meters per second, but often km / hour are used, or (in a minority of countries) feet/second or miles/hour.

Formula for calculating the velocity of water in a pipe?

You need to know the cross sectional area of the pipe, this would be in square feet or square meters. Then take the volume flow in cubic feet per second, or cubic meters per second, and divide it by the area, this will give the velocity in ft/sec or m/sec V=(21.22*Q)/D2 V = velocity D= diameter of pipe Q= flow

What is the skydivers forward velocity after 1 second?

The skydiver's forward velocity after 1 second would depend on factors such as their body position, weight, and air resistance. On average, a skydiver in freefall might reach a forward velocity of around 120 mph (193 km/h) after 1 second.

What is final velocity measured in?

the SI unit would be meter/second (m/s)

What is the velocity of a square?

Please reword this question, since in its present form, it doesn't make sense. Right now, it sounds like a square is flying through the air. Maybe you are asking about velocity squared? If so, velocity means both the speed and direction of something. For velocity squared, it would essentially be just multiplying the speed by itself.

What is the skydiver's upward velocity after 1 second?

I presume you mean 1 second after jumping from the plane. Since skydiver's fall, their velocity is generally in a downward direction, so the upward velocity is negative. The formula v = gt, where g is the acceleration due to gravity which is about 32.2 feet per second per second, tells us that after 1 second it would be about -32.2 feet per second.

Weed killer is spread at a rate of 3 pounds for 1200 square feet how many pounds of weed killer will be needed for 2000 square feet?

you would need 5 pounds for 2000 sqft

What is the average velocity of a 6.0 second interval?

The average velocity would be the total displacement over the total time interval. To calculate this, divide the total displacement by the total time to get the average velocity.

What would happen if you double velocity?

If you double the velocity of an object, its kinetic energy would increase by a factor of four because kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square of velocity. The object would also cover twice the distance in the same amount of time due to the increased speed.