A year is 8765.8127 hours. Although the length of days and nights vary by latitude and season over the course of a year, the time from sunset to sunrise will very nearly equal 12 hours per day on average, so there will be close to 4382.90635 hours of nighttime.
If one needs a more accurate value, one can use the online tables of darkness provided by the United States Naval Observatory (see reference) and add the values for each day (typically in a spreadsheet, using format [h]:mm:ss). This table allows you to specify all the relevant factors: location and year. As an example, the number of hours of nightime in Boston, MA for 2012 is 4316 hours and 49 minutes.
The other complicating factor in trying to answer this question is with respect to the definition of darkness. The crepuscular hours (twilight hours of either dawn or dusk) are strictly speaking neither daylight nor nightime. Thus, to fully answer this question, one would have to define nighttime.
There are 8,765.8 hours in one calendar year.
The 2012 calendar had 366 days printed on it, which added up to 8,784 hours.
There is exactly the same number of hours in a year in Australia as there is in all other countries that observe the Gregorian calendar. In a non-leap year, there are 8760 hours in a year, and in a leap year there are 8784 hours in a year.
The summer solstice, around June 21, has the longest daytime hours in the year, while the winter solstice, around December 21, has the longest nighttime hours.
There are 26 bi-weeks in a calendar year.
There are 366 or 265 days in a sami calendar or year
The maximum number of "straight time" work hours in a calendar year.
12 months in the Gregorian calendar.
In Oregon, a boat registration is valid for how many calendar year(s)??
There are 365 days in earth's year as well as the current calendar.
Either 52 or 53 mondays are there in a calendar year. 2009 has 52 mondays.